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This moron unfortunately chooses a city that I know really well to tell me where she is from. It is hilarious how she tries to explain her lies and mistakes. My emails are in blue, his/hers are in black, my comments in red. Happy reading! |
----- Our chat on Thu, 10/14/10 11:24 PM -----
linda (10:08 PM): hello there Greg’s (10:08 PM): hi linda (10:09 PM): have we meet before Greg’s (10:09 PM): i think so linda (10:09 PM): when n how Greg’s (10:10 PM): message from linda (10:10 PM): ok Greg’s (10:10 PM): where are you from linda (10:10 PM): ohio but in UK now Greg’s (10:11 PM): where in Ohio linda (10:11 PM): akron linda (10:12 PM): and you Greg’s (10:12 PM): you’re kidding? linda (10:12 PM): how Greg’s (10:12 PM): how long did you live there? linda (10:12 PM): 5yrs linda (10:12 PM): where are you from Greg’s (10:12 PM): Tallmadge Greg’s (10:13 PM): where did you live before Akron? linda (10:13 PM): where? (she has no idea where Tallmadge is, but it borders NE Akron) Greg’s (10:14 PM): I live in Tallmadge - where did you live before Akron? linda (10:15 PM): northeastern portion (She doesn’t understand what I am asking) linda (10:15 PM): how old are you Greg’s (10:15 PM): You said Akron for 5 years - I asked where you lived before Akron? Greg’s (10:15 PM): I'm 41 linda (10:15 PM): ok linda (10:16 PM): marrd linda (10:16 PM): /. Greg’s (10:16 PM): ? ? ? linda (10:16 PM): are you married? Greg’s (10:17 PM): why would I be on a dating site if I was? Greg’s (10:17 PM): You said Akron for 5 years - I asked where you lived before Akron? linda (10:17 PM): ok linda (10:17 PM): so are looking for a woman Greg’s (10:18 PM): You said Akron for 5 years - I asked where you lived before Akron? (5th time!) linda (10:19 PM): stan hywet hall Greg’s (10:19 PM): What does that mean? Greg’s (10:21 PM): What do you mean Stan Hywett Hall? linda (10:22 PM): downtown akron Greg’s (10:22 PM): What did you mean Stan Hywett Hall? linda (10:23 PM): name of a place thought you will no the place linda (10:23 PM): never mind Greg’s (10:23 PM): I do know the place... linda (10:23 PM): what do you do for a living/ Greg’s (10:24 PM): I asked where you lived before Akron - you said you lived there for only 5 years... Greg’s (10:24 PM): Where before Akron? Greg’s (10:24 PM): I am an Accountant linda (10:24 PM): ok linda (10:24 PM): i lived in UK linda (10:24 PM): befor Greg’s (10:25 PM): oh, okay - and you moved back? linda (10:25 PM): yeah Greg’s (10:25 PM): okay, you could have just said that instead of making me ask 5 linda (10:26 PM): how come i dont meet you online Greg’s (10:26 PM): What do you mean? linda (10:27 PM): it has been a while now linda (10:27 PM): do you stay alone linda (10:27 PM): ? Greg’s (10:27 PM): Yes, I live alone linda (10:28 PM): eny kidds Greg’s (10:28 PM): no linda (10:28 PM): k Greg’s (10:28 PM): what did you do in Akron? linda (10:29 PM): work Greg’s (10:29 PM): I assume that - I meant doing what? linda (10:29 PM): own a boutqe then Greg’s (10:30 PM): cool... Greg’s (10:30 PM): what happened to it? linda (10:30 PM): i working with a company in UK presently linda (10:31 PM): so i had to live it Greg’s (10:31 PM): ummm, okay? Greg’s (10:31 PM): pretty cool that I live in Tallmadge isn’t it? linda (10:32 PM): why Greg’s (10:32 PM): do you know Tallmadge? linda (10:32 PM): no Greg’s (10:33 PM): You lived in NE Akron and you don't know Tallmadge? linda (10:33 PM): its been 5yrs plus linda (10:33 PM): cant remember Greg’s (10:33 PM): lol – that’s funny linda (10:34 PM): what do you seek in a woman/ Greg’s (10:34 PM): someone who doesn’t lie... linda (10:34 PM): ok linda (10:35 PM): i am hooping on moving back to akron soon Greg’s (10:36 PM): yeah, that would be nice... linda (10:36 PM): kind of Greg’s (10:37 PM): why only kind of? linda (10:38 PM): cos i will have to to move all my things back Greg’s (10:39 PM): yeah, that’s a pain... linda (10:39 PM): do you have cam Greg’s (10:40 PM): no linda (10:41 PM): what time do you go to work Greg’s (10:41 PM): 8:30AM linda (10:41 PM): till when Greg’s (10:42 PM): 5:00PM linda (10:42 PM): k linda (10:44 PM): what kind of relationship do you seek for Greg’s (10:45 PM): Someone who will obey and honor me, who cleans and cooks good, someone who doesn’t lie about where they live, and who has a good career... linda (10:45 PM): cool linda (10:45 PM): eny luck on that Greg’s (10:45 PM): not yet... linda (10:46 PM): ok This next part I lead her along down the dark path of deceit. For those of you who don’t know, Stan Hywett was the ancestral mansion to the Sieberlings, who with Charles Goodyear, founded the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. In the late 1960’s, the Sieberlings sold the home and it has been preserved, and it is a now a Museum and listed as the 7th largest Historical Home in America. This moron obviously did a search on “homes” in Akron, and decided to use it in her lie, not realizing what it was. Greg’s (10:46 PM): Did you live at Stan Hywett? linda (10:47 PM): yeah Greg’s (10:47 PM): Really, for how long? linda (10:48 PM): 5yrs linda (10:48 PM): why Greg’s (10:49 PM): Just wondering... Greg’s (10:49 PM): what was that like? linda (10:49 PM): k linda (10:50 PM): work like Greg’s (10:51 PM): What does that mean? linda (10:52 PM): i mean work alll d time Greg’s (10:53 PM): oh, I was asking about Stan Hywett...what was it like living there? linda (10:53 PM): bord Greg’s (10:53 PM): really, why? linda (10:53 PM): not my kind of place Greg’s (10:54 PM): How come? linda (10:54 PM): i just dont no Greg’s (10:55 PM): I was there when I was a kid...(this is true – all schools in the area took field trips to tour it) linda (10:56 PM): wowwwww Greg’s (10:56 PM): I know - amazing huh? linda (10:56 PM): yeah Greg’s (10:58 PM): almost as amazing as you living there... linda (10:59 PM): ok Greg’s (11:00 PM): don't you agree? linda (11:00 PM): yes i do Greg’s (11:01 PM): I can't believe you thought it was boring living there linda (11:03 PM): sorry Greg’s (11:04 PM): so did you know that Stan Hywett is a Museum? linda (11:04 PM): yeah Greg’s (11:04 PM): so how did you live there? linda (11:05 PM): what do you mean Greg’s (11:05 PM): You said you lived there - it is a Museum - no one lives there... linda (11:06 PM): i only said did you no the place Greg’s (11:06 PM): You just said you lived there... linda (11:07 PM): k Greg’s (11:07 PM): didn't know it was a Museum, did you? linda (11:07 PM): no Greg’s (11:08 PM):, why did you lie about it? linda (11:08 PM): i was not talking abt living there linda (11:08 PM): i meant it bord like that Greg’s (11:09 PM): you just said you lived there it you thought it was boring... Greg’s (11:09 PM): lol linda (11:09 PM): my mistake (lol – she tries to gloss over it like it is no big deal) Greg’s (11:09 PM): yeah, I would linda (11:09 PM): ok linda (11:09 PM): do you party Greg’s (11:10 PM): no... linda (11:10 PM): dou you drink Greg’s (11:10 PM): no linda (11:10 PM): and you dont smook Greg’s (11:10 PM): no linda (11:11 PM): k Greg’s (11:11 PM): You never have been to Akron, have you? linda (11:13 PM): i lived there before Greg’s (11:14 PM): And you don’t know where Tallmadge is and think that you lived in a Museum? linda (11:14 PM): no Greg’s (11:15 PM): Tell the truth or this conversation is over... linda (11:15 PM): ok linda (11:15 PM): then linda (11:15 PM): i will tell you Greg’s (11:16 PM): okay... Greg’s (11:17 PM): please do... linda (11:21 PM): i no Tallmadge (4 minutes later) Greg’s (11:21 PM): lol - why - because you just looked it up on the internet? linda (11:21 PM): no linda (11:22 PM): my sarver is kind of shaky Greg’s (11:22 PM): You just said 5 minutes ago you didn’t know what it was Greg’s (11:22 PM): did your server type that? linda (11:24 PM): what Greg’s (11:24 PM): try telling the truth or don’t contact me again... |
I know my fellow scambaiters would be pissed at me about being so critical of the fool and telling “her” of her mistakes. You don’t want to educate a scammer and tell them what they are doing wrong, but how could I possibly help this? LOL – Plus, any other person would not know what was correct anyways, unless they were from this immediate area and knew what Stan Hywett was. |
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