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Khalid's Fund House

I just love these “Official U.S. Government” entities that contact me that can’t even speak English very well. I also love the names they give their department – United States Funds Approval Office. These idiots think that Americans are terrified of their government as they are in Nigeria (or wherever in Africa), and will do whatever they say. That’s why I started insulting this mook right off the bat – to show that we are not afraid as he is! My emails are in blue, his/hers are in black, my comments in red. Happy reading!

Attention: Greg's Mail

This is to inform you that we have been empowered to settle and ratify all outstanding contract/inheritance funds debts. Regards to this, you are to send your personal information to the United States Fund Clarification Approval Office in Oklahoma City United States of America to enable them scrutinized and release your fund without any further delay.

Contact Person: Mr. Herbert Kaufman

You should contact him immediately by forwarding your personal required information below.

(1) Your full name and mailing address.
(2) A scan copy of your identity.
(3) Your telephone number.
(4) Your bank details.

Meanwhile, you should have in mind that what the united nation/world bank and the united states government approved for every participant the sum of $2.5 m (two million five hundred thousand united dollars only) while the balance of your payment will commence by January 2010 which is next year.

Get back to me as soon as you contacted him


Khalid Omar
United States Fund Release Clarification Office

I am not sure what this is all about. Please explain this to me, if that is at all possible. I'm sure it will be a hoot! Nice English, by the way, your parents must be proud.



There is n much deal on this only follow the instruction by contacting the above office for immediate transfer of your fund to your above account do that iimediately there is no dawt on it.

Khalid Omar

You have not explained what this is all about and I can't understand your last email. Do you speak English? What the hell is a dawt? Did you graduate middle-school? That would surprise me.

Please explain.



This is to let yu know that your mail has been received and to let you know that why i have not retune your email is because of the world you use to me and i want to let you know that no one is forcing you to have your fund so whenever you are ready to receive your fund you get back to me with the required information so that it will be forwarded to the really bank that will transfer your fund into your account.

Note that this transaction is going to cost you money but not much you are going to cost you about $2,150 to open a new account with the back to transfer your fund online however get back to me if you are ready so that i will give you the information to contact the bank for them to proceed your payment immediately.

Khalid Omar

How come you have not returned my email, you complete and utter moron? What world did I say? Or what does this even mean?


Attention: Greg's Mail

Listen if you are ready let me know right now so that I will give you the information of the bank for you to contact them but if you are not ready then don’t get back to me because I am busy here.

Note that you should not try to insult me for any reason


Khalid Omar
United States Fund Release Clarification Office

Exactly what did I say that upset you, you complete and utter moron? I didn’t realize that an officer of the U.S. Government Payment Office would be so sensitive and girly-like. I am sorry if I offended you, I was under the assumption I was talking to a man.


Attention: Greg's Mail

Listen if you are ready let me know right now so that I will give you the information of the bank for you to contact them but if you are not ready then don’t get back to me because I am busy here.

Note that you should not try to insult me for any reason


Khalid Omar
United States Fund Release Clarification Office

Yes, same email…

Alright idiot, let me have the bank's information so I can complete this matter, you complete and utter moron. If you are not smart enough to answer my emails and have reduced yourself to sending me the same emails more than once, I see that I will have to make up for your incompetence and do this myself. Exactly what bank is holding my money, camel-humper?



Attention: Greg's Mail

I Guest that you are a drug adit. How there you use such a world to me I guest that this transaction is over till you appologize for this your stupid act bye your Crook.


Khalid Omar
United States Fund Release Clarification Office

It's just funny when someone from the USA Payment Trust Office can't even speak proper English. Oh yeah, and there is no such thing as the US Payment Office.

Of course I knew you were a filthy low-life scammer, you moron.

What I know about 419 Scammers...
1) Their spelling and command of the English language is terrible, like yours.
2) They always want you to use Western Union or Moneygram - no respectable bank or business uses this except for you.
3) They are always stupid, smelly, savages from that cesspool of a continent Africa, like you are.
4) They pose as lawyers, bankers, and even Directors with the United Nations, like you.
5) They quote God and religion a lot; even know they are going to Hell, like you are.
6) They claim to be getting back at the "white man" for injustices done to them, but the truth is that they will steal from anyone of any race, religion, creed, and color, like you would.
7) They often have sex with goats, monkeys, and their own parents, like you do.
8) They are the lowest form of life on the planet and have the intelligence of a 5-year old retarded child, like you do.
9) They strongly resemble gorillas but they smell even worse, like you do.
10) They are rooted in evil - everything bad in this world comes from Africa - AIDS, crime, war, disease, poverty, hunger, savages - all from Africa. True, we in the USA have our share of these problems too, but they all come from the savages that our forefathers unfortunately brought to this great nation.

Need I say more?

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This is America, not West Africa, and if you don't like it, too bad!

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