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This is a spin-off scambait from the one titled “Hi-Ho, Sliver!” I was so sick of Sliverline Marvin’s constant whining and complaining that I just decided to give her the kiss-off and end it. Then, about two weeks later I get the first letter from the doctor. This bait shows how pathetic, desperate, and stupid these scammers are. To actually contact me again after everything I said in the first scambait and how I ended it? These idiots are by far the dumbest scammers I have dealt with yet. This bait is still ongoing with me and the fake Chief Justice trading insults, though he is still pretending that it is all real. The doctor is still involved – I gave him the choice to stand by my side or side with the incompetent, moron George Akah. We’ll see what happens… My emails are in blue, his/hers are in black, my comments in red. Happy reading! |
Good day Dear,
Permit me to inform you my disire of writing to you, I am doctor Enaroh Stevn from Cote D'Ivoire. I have a client in my hospital a young girl called Sliverline Marvin by name, she is unconscious and brought to my hospital. Do you know anyone called that name? If you knows someone like that do reply to my mail because she has been saying something which I do not understand very well then I decide to have your contact through her to write to verify of what she is saying. Doctor Enaroh Steven. |
Yes I know Silverline Martin a little. What is wrong with her? Is it her syphilis again? Please inform me of her condition.
Thanks, Thomas |
Dear Thomas,
The mail I sent to you the name I told you is not Sliverline Martin is Sliverline Marvin and you said that you know her little right? Sorry to inform you of her condition, She has a vital accident and brought to my hospital day before yesterday by some people. On my investigation I found out that the man that knock her down run away but the police are still searching for him. Moreover, We have been trying our possible best to see that she survive from her condition because when she brought to my hospital her condition did not give me mouth to speak. Please don't be annoined about my question, who is this young girl to you? I and my staff tried to find out about her but based on what she is saying we have not been very sure of what she is saying we think it may be because of her condition or if she has a mental problem. Please I will like you to send me your direct telephone number to call you and speak with you because there is something hiden she has been saying which I want to investigate about but I will like to speak with you first. We have been trying our best to see that this young girl will survive from her condition please I will like you to be praying to see that the life of this young girl is saved. Doctor Enaroh Steven. |
Dear Dr. Steven;
Yes, you are correct it is Marvin, not Martin – my mistake. I know her a little, I don’t know how I could help you – I don’t even know what she looks like and I have never actually talked to her before. All we did was exchange a few emails. What condition is she in? Is getting knocked down is a life-threatening condition? I will agree with you in your prognosis, I do think she has some kind of mental problem. And to be honest with you, she isn’t the smartest person around either. That’s just the idea I got from speaking to her in emails. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want anything bad to happen to her – but she seriously has some emotional and mental problems. My phone number is 330-666-9269. Thomas Payne |
Dear Thomas,
Well, there is nothing you can do to me than to pray for my patients Sliverline for God to help her to survive from her condition. Are you sure of what you are saying that you didn't even know how she look like? or discuss with her before? Please don't be offended I don't think that you are the person she always mention and said something about which I will let you know later, Sorry can you give to me anything that will show that you are the person she was mentioning his name I mean an identity?. Why I ask is because if she survive it will effect you for good but if she did not it will also effect you for good. I have to be frank with you, her condition is not good. A car knocked her down and she was injured and we have been trying our best to see that one of her leg will not be cut off because the leg was condemn totally. But are you trying to say that she has a mental problem before? Please don't be offened do you know her parents or any member of her family?I tried to call your line it was ringing but no anwser but I will keep on trying until I got you. Doctor Enaroh Steven. |
Dr. Steven;
Of course I am sure of what I am saying. I have never seen her before and have never talked to her before. Just a few emails, that’s it. I am not offended in any way by your questions. I know you are just doing your job. I am no doctor, so I couldn’t be sure, but yes it did seem that she had some severe mental and emotional problems. I don’t know about her parents or any other relatives – like I said, I only knew her from a few emails. I hope she gets better, let me know if I could be of any other help to you. Thomas If my number was busy when you called, I was probably still at work. After 7:00pm EST is when I get home. |
Dear Thomas,
In respect of my mail to you about if you know the parents of this young girl or any member of her family. Like I told you on my mail that I am still on investigation to know where this young girl came from, based on what she said that she is an orphan and refuse to tell us about the members of her family which she said that her condition was caused by his uncle that she dont want to see any of them. On my investigation I found out that what she was saying is truth, I don't think that she has mental problem based on the news I hard from people because she told us where she was living and I sent someone to see if what she said is truth and the answer is yes. Please don't be offended, do you have any transaction with her in Bank Atlantique Cote D'Ivoire?.Don't be offended or worry about my questions to you is just that as a doctor and a patient brought to my hospital in that condition I have to know about her incase anything happen but I have something secret to discuss with you later. Yesterday, I called you as you said that you are always at home by 7:pm but you did not answer my call please do call me on my mobile line for more discussion after you recieve my mail. 225 45 618 507. Doctor Enaroh Steven. |
Dr. Steven;
Are you trying to call after 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time? I was home last night, phone only rang once. Yeah, I do remember her saying something about an uncle that she had. I am not offended with your questions; I know it’s your job. All I know about the bank thing was that she was trying to withdraw some money from her account but was having some kind of problem and told me that it would cost $8000.00 to fix. I told her that it was obviously a scam and that the bank was trying to cheat her but she wouldn’t listen and kept babbling incoherently. I couldn’t even understand half of her emails because they were so poorly written and she just whined and complained about everything. That’s why I said she probably had emotional issues. I have no long-distance carrier on my home phone line so it is not possible for me to call you. I really don’t know what else I can help you with because like I said, I barely knew the girl. You could probably find out more about her by asking whoever you talked to where she was living. Thomas |
Dear Thomas,
I don't understand the time very well I call at 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time not only oncs the phone rang three times know answer. We have been trying our best on her treatment as human being and living the rest for God we only treat and God heals. You said that all you know about the bank is that she want to withdraw some money from her account and the bank ask her to pay $8.000.00 what for? I have some prove of what she is saying, I will like you to open up to me, Please do you have any evidence of what you just said about the bank? I mean any prove. Based on what you said that you did not understanding some of her emails to you, You see English is not our first language here is french country, you have to apply your knowledge to understand as English man. About more information of her, I have been trying my best to see about that. Remember to always pray for her that let the God of healing visit her. Doctor Enaroh Steven. |
Dear Thomas,
Sorry for not respond to your mail earlier, due to the worse that hap pend. I am sorry to inform you of the sad news, the young girl give up on Saturday night and her dead body is lying in the mortuary now. We have been trying to put things in order to see that we do what we suppose to do maybe by Thursday we do her burial. For the bank, Please don't contact them for now. I went to the bank to see the president general but I was told that he traveled and I see the director general of international remittance Mr Paul Peter about the fund in they bank. So I will get back to you as soon as we finish the burial to send you the WILL she wrote for you to see it, like I said before that I have something secret to discuss with you. Doctor Enaroh Steven. (I guess it’s the doctor’s responsibility to arrange funerals and bury patients) |
Dr. Steven;
I sorry that the girl died, but what does this have to do with me? I told you that I spoke with her in a few emails, but that was it – it’s not like I was family or anything. As for the bank – why would I contact them at all? I have no business with them. I tried talking to them once or twice on her behalf just to confirm the outrageous fees they were trying to charge Silverline, but that is all I had to do with the bank. I actually talked to that moron Paul Peters that you mentioned, and I ended up cursing at him for trying to take advantage of a young, naïve girl. My advice would be to get a hold of her uncle or whatever family you can find with the funeral arrangements. Thanks, Thomas (In the first bait, the Uncle was trying to kill her…) |
Dear Thomas,
I am here to attach to you the Death Certificate of the young girl and also her Will which she wrote like I told you before that I have something secret to tell you, this is it.Go through it and get back to me. Doctor Enaroh Steven. ![]() ![]() Pretty funny documents! The best is that the Death Certificate has no cause of death on it, and it was cut off! I told you these were the dumbest scammers on Earth! |
Dear Mr Thomas,
Congratulate also. Regarding what you said about Mr Paul Peter to ask me $8.000 what for? Well don't worry about that everything must follow legally. That should not worry you I know the Senior advocate of my country, Justice Akah George If he dose anything stupid I personally will deal with him well that should not be problem because I have every evidence with me. I will like to further introduce my self to you, I am Dr Enaroh Steven by profession and will be glad to know whom you are and what you do for leaving. As you can see the WILL the young girl wrote which I sent to you the photo copy of it, Now I will like you to tell me how you want us to share this fund, as you can see what the young girl wrote on her WILL that I and you should share this fund and 20% of it will go to the motherless homes.Now how do you want us to share this fund? apart from the 20% for the motherless homes. Dr Enaroh Steven. |
Dr. Steven;
Do you have any idea when I will be receiving the Probate Information in the mail? I don’t know if they have my mailing address. I don’t even remember that lawyer’s name, and I will never speak to him again, because he is nothing but a low-life, rotten thief. After he told me what he wanted in fees, I have not spoken to him since. I get home around 7:00pm EST and I am usually up until 11:00 or so – I don’t have a long-distance carrier on my home phone so I can’t call from home. Thomas Payne |
Dear Mr Thomas,
Regarding the mail you sent to me saying that Mr Paul Peters will ask us to pay $8000.00 that is not the problem now this is my country I know in and out, I am no longer a child when you talk of banking, so I am assuring you that everything will follow accordingly. the charges to pay before having the fund will not be our problem. What I ask you is that how are we going to share this fund? Apart from the 20% for the motherless homes the remaining, how are we going to share it just leave every other thing for me, the may see you and talk whatever they like not when the see me. You just mentioned a lawyer that demanding $30.000.00 up front before he would help, I want you to stop every contact you have with them I have my own lawyer if it came out what lawyer will go for I have a lawyer not only having a lawyer I know the Chief Justice of my country don't fear of anything that is not a matter to me, just tell me how you want us to share the fund leave every other thing for me I will handle the situation. Yesterday I tried several times to call you but it seems that you are not around or you are sleeping when I am calling? If you have time you try to call me even this morning I tried to call you but is almost the same thing. Doctor Enaroh Steven. |
I don’t know what the $8000.00 was supposed to be for – transfer fees or something like that – that’s how I knew she was getting scammed from the bank. I told her I didn’t want any part of this corrupt system. I understand that English is not your first language, I am just saying that’s why I couldn’t understand everything she said. I bet if you went to the bank, they could answer your questions better than me.
Thomas |
Dear Mr Thomas,
You have not answer what I ask you, what I ask is that how do you want us to share this fund since you can not tell me how you want us to share this fund, I will share it my self. They fund will be shared 60-40, 60 will be for me while 40 will be for you apart from the 20 for the motherless homes. If you agree with me do send me your contact info so that I will prepare an agreement letter which two of us will sign our signature and you will hold one I myself will hold one. Have you send any account to the bank where this fund will be transfer ed? If yes do tell me if know do tell me so that I will provide account of my friend where this fund will be transfer ed. Doctor Enaroh Steven. |
Dr. Steven;
Since you don’t seem to know anything about the law, I will try to explain it to you. It is not up to you (or me) to dictate what the sharing percentage is of the inheritance. That is up to the courts to decide. This is a will and an inheritance, not found money. The court (probate) will put the money in escrow, set aside the 20% for charity, and divide the money as they deem fit (minus inheritance taxes and any other associated fees). Why do you think it is our responsibility to write agreement letters and provide bank accounts to each other? We are the beneficiaries of the fund. You are not a lawyer, and you do not work for the probate court. And you have no legal right to move that money to an account of a friend – that is not even possible anyways. How would you even prove you were the owner of the account? Would you show the bank teller that hand-written note from Silverline? I am assuming that you turned in the note (Will) and the Death Certificate to the court, and we just have to sit back a wait for their decision and protocols. That’s why I said I was waiting for the court to contact me. I will try to contact the probate court to make sure they have my information and try to find out what the progress is. Thanks, Thomas Payne |
Dear Mr Thomas,
You are right on what you said, But I am assuring you that we will reach to the end because I have all prove with me the WILL and everything the girl said is taped I think what you said is right. I have told my lawyer about this matter and he promised me that I will win this case since I have evidence with me. Tomorrow I will see the Chief Justice of my country for this matter and will get back to you after discussing this issue with him.Tell me the extend you have went with the bank for me to know where I will start to tell the Chief Justice. I am expecting to read from you before going to see the Chief Justice. Doctor Enaroh Steven. |
Dr. Steven;
What do mean the extent I have gone with the bank? I have gone nowhere with the bank. I haven’t spoken to anyone from the bank since I cussed out that idiot and thief, Paul Peters. Do you not realize it is not our job to contact the bank, have documents transferred, bank accounts created, etc. – that is the duty of the Probate Court/Judicial System. I expect that when you talk with the Chief Justice, that you will find that out. When this all goes the Judicial Process, we just have to sit back a wait for our inheritance, once the claim is approved. This process should already be started if you did your duty as a doctor and filed the Death Certificate with the Court/Registry, as well as any of the accompanying documents. Did you say you still had the Will? You have to submit that to the Probate Court. Please get this done. Thanks, Thomas |
Dr. Steven;
Did you speak with your friend, the Chief Justice? I am still waiting to be contacted – haven’t heard anything yet. Let me know if you do. Thanks, Thomas |
Dear Mr Thomas,
Yes I do speak with him. It has not be long now he called me and told me that he send mail to me, here is the mail he send do raed it and get back to me. Moreover, as you can see his email adress you can contact him for more details as you said that you will like to have his contact. But I will like anything you will discuss with him do let me know before move ahead because I will like you to be sincere to me I believe with the help of the Justice Akah we will recover our inheritance from the bank. Doctor Enaroh Steven ![]() |
Your E-mail received and the content well understood. Both you and Dr. Steven are beneficiaries from Ms. Marvin. You will only benefit what Ms. Marvin inherited. As regards the Estate, Ms. Marvin do not have the right of inheritance without the Trustee. The criterium for her inheritance is the Trustee. In my letter to Dr. Steven, I quoted you as the Trustee "intent" Note that the probate will not do anything unless you people have access right to Ms. Marvin's ineritance. The letter I wrote to Dr. Steven is to let him know what the position will be like if you people have access right to her inheritance. For a correction; the Doctor need you to have his portion and you need him to attest for your right. If he attest for you as Ms. Marvin is no more, he the Doctor can attest for you and his attestation is the best to give you access right to Ms. Marvin's inheritance. It is when you have an access right that he in turn can ask for his portion. Thomas, why I think that both of you will work as a team is because both of you do not have the right over Ms. Marvin's inheritance without the due protocol. How I wish the Doctor himself understands the policy behind the said inheritance. It is a well legally secured project. I shall be pleased to help you if you deem it fit to accord me the honour. Truly yours, Justice George Akah. |
Justice George Akah;
I read your message – I am glad that you feel it is legally secured, as you put it. The only bump in the road as I see is whether the Court will recognize the “deathbed” Will. If the Court does recognize the validity of the Will, then there should be no problem. As to your interpretation that I am the “Trustee Intent”, as you put it, I don’t understand where you got that from. The Will states that 20% is to be used for Motherless Babies, and the remaining should be split between me and the doctor. There is no mention of a Trustee for the funds in the Will. And, as I am sure that you already know this, the Trustee can’t be a Beneficiary. That would be a conflict of interests. The Trustee has to be an uninvolved third person who has no fiduciary interests. The Trustee is named by the Court unless an Executor of the Estate is named in the Will – you are aware of this right? Why would the doctor need me to claim his share of the inheritance? If I choose not to claim my share (which I don’t plan on doing), the Court would still make provisions for the doctor for his share. That’s what I meant when I said we were not dependent on each other. The doctor can claim his money as soon as the Court finishes the Probate process. Please explain this all to the doctor because I don’t think he understand this process. I am still waiting for the Court to contact me, if I don’t hear something soon, I’ll contact them. Thanks for you help and insight. Thomas |
Dear Mr Thomas,
Did you receive my mail to you yesterday? If yes get back to me. Doctor Enaroh Steven. |
Dear Mr. Thomas Payne,
It may look like I am assuming things when I used Trustee Intent. To prelude the probate office action; the deposit policy will have to be harnessed. It is clear that Dr. Steven does not understand the procedural course on the inheritance we are talking about. Here it is Thomas; the inheritance of Ms. Marvin has not yet belonged to her officially. This simply means she has not yet met with the terms needed for her to be the rightful owner of the inheritance. Her late father made the policy in which the pivot point is that she must have to have a trustee before she could claim the inheritance. The aim is to get the said inheritance out of the country as security measure for her. Note that the young woman has lost over 70% of her supposed inheritance to her relatives. Thomas, you can see that you and Dr. Steven do not stand any chance of having anything until you have the inheritance rightfully transferred to Ms. Marvin. First thing should be to have the inheritance transferred to Ms. Marvin and then you can talk of portioning things to Dr. Steven. Note that the probate office here may have nothing to do with it if the inheritance is transferred to you as the trustee. You will be in the position to give Dr. Steven what Ms. Marvin wished. Thomas, I still maintain that both of you still have to work together to achieve this. Let me give you this piece of information; if the Marvin family have idea of what you and Dr. Steven have at hand, they may charge both of you the murder of Ms. Marvin. They may stress that the motive is what Ms. Marvin inherited. Back to the point "TRUSTEE INTENT" Ms. Marvin intended having you as her trustee for her to have the right of ownership over what she inherited. Her late father made the deposit as a security measure against culture and traditions in case of demise. As you can see from what I wrote above, she lost major portion of the properties to her relatives.. You may not understand fully but most of the elites who have females as heir, did the deposit and even some who have males did it to assure security of their heirs in case of death. You may ask where the security is by giving it to a stranger; here is another interesting aspect of the deposit. The bank and insurance have that to take care of, that is the reason they have the proceeds of what was deposited with them and the capital remains in tact. Thomas, I have written enough and I expect you and Dr. Steven to do something or I will be forced to charge you people for any explanation I will make to this regard. What I did, I did for the sake of the Doctor. I have already told him that if I should do any legal work on this; it will be on the cost of the inheritance. Truly yours, Justice George Akah. |
Dear Mr Thomas,
I received the mail you send to Justice Akah which you include my email on it and I also see the mail he send to you, Now what we need to ask him is what are we going to do to have this money than to be prolonging matter with him. Please I will like us to cooperate and work hand to hand with him to see that we get our inheritance that is why I consult him in this matter so that he will be able to help us, you see that I don't normally get chance to move around due to my work I do have patient all the time that is why I don't normally have time to see him unless phone call or by. Doctor Enaroh Steven. |
George Akah;
Are you threatening me? Please explain the last paragraph in your email. To actually suggest that I had anything to do with this young girls death is libelous. I am in the United States, you moron. And Doctor Steven did not even know Silverline until after she was hit by the car. So how could we possibly have been connected in her death? One thing I don’t understand is how do you know all of this about Silverline? You never met her. She didn’t tell the doctor anything about this. “Back to the point "TRUSTEE INTENT" Ms. Marvin intended having you as her trustee for her to have the right of ownership over what she inherited. Her late father made the deposit as a security measure against culture and traditions in case of demise. As you can see from what I wrote above, she lost major portion of the properties to her relatives.. You may not understand fully but most of the elites who have females as heir, did the deposit and even some who have males did it to assure security of their heirs in case of death.” This is the paragraph that you wrote in your last email – you could not possibly know any of this. The doctor didn’t know any of this either. This was things that Silverline told me in confidence before she ever got into that car accident, and the doctor explicitly told me that he could not understand anything that Silverline said because she was delirious and babbling incessantly. All he got from her was my name and email address and her last Will. And she had no surviving family except for an Uncle that killed her parents. You have some explaining to do or I will inform the authorities of your possible involvement with Silverline’s death. Were you hired by her Uncle? Did you kill her? That’s the way it is starting to look. Thomas |
Mr. Thomas Payne,
Threatening you? What for? How on earth will I threaten you for a course I know the facts. You are right in asking me all you asked. The Doctor does not know anything but I have to know if I should act within the legal forum. "You Moron?" you have to redress that insult OK, I did not do anything that will warrant such insult. Thomas, you have to understand that the young woman you mentioned does not know much about the proposal she made to you, I had to make enquiries to know better when Dr. Steven approached for this. I am a justice here in our country and I command a certain level of respect. The bank and Insurance will have to give me all the information I need only by asking, especially when death is involved. Silverline may not know as much as I have known in this case. Thomas, if someone should be suspected of Ms. Marvin's death; the banker and her relatives should be the suspects not you. You should put your reactions in check in order not to ruin your aim. Thomas, if a man of my status does not know late Mr. Marvin, I must be a liar. I will be surprise also if he did not make a deposit of the type in question. When you were writing "Estate" it drew my attention to the common deposits persons like late Mr. Marvin do, I knew very well that if the Ms. Marvin should die by accident, there may be a course for that. I do not want to draw your attention to another axis. To respond to what you asked about the paragraph; I knew about the intent when I asked the banker about what Dr. Steven told me, this led to my enquiry at the National Insurance cooperation. It may interest you to know that a case against the bank from Marvin's family in a customary court is one of the serious cases the court has ever experienced. Even when the bank took the case to high court, the family had to press charges against some officials of the bank which resulted in letting the bank release particulars of late Mr. Marvin's property to them including money. As regards the fund in which late Ms. Marvin intended to have you as a trustee before she died; it is only safe because the insurance is involved. Note that the bank was twisted to release the rest of the property because the family of Marvin sued them that they are thwarting their traditions. Mr. Thomas, there are more than the young woman could have told you. Late Robert Guie's surviving child is living today because the late General made a secured deposit. He is one among others. My friend, you will gain more by understanding and being friendly with me than being unnecessary hostile to me. Thomas, tell me, did you have any misunderstanding with the banker or bankers in charge of this said fund? I want you to give me your cooperation because I found out something that seems odd at the bank when I checked on the said fund. Who is Thomas Payne Hood Karl? I am emphasising on this "HOOD KARL" Have you ever made any legal clearances as regards what Ms. Marvin asked you? I need responses fast because I asked the central foreign remittance office not to clear any transaction that has to do with Marvin's family till I get some clarifications. Dr. Steven is even more concern than you sound. You are very lucky to have a fellow like me. Truly yours, Justice George Akah. |
Dear Mr Thomas,
I read your mail to me, Sorry for not responding to your mails to me due to time and other things. Justice Akah called me on phone and told me that you called him a Moron is that true? And I also read the mails he sent to us with the one you send to him which you include my mail. You see I have known this man for many years now, So I will not like anything that we make him feel bad in this case. What we need him is co-operation to see that we join hand together with him to solve this case and have our inheritance money transfer ed. You see the way I think that this will be is not the way I saw it but nevertheless, We will reach the end.. Regarding who kill Sliverline, that is not the matter to talk about now if time reach to talk of that am sure that everything the girl said right from the day she brought to my hospital till her death is taped and documented so any one accusing you of killing her don't mind them because they will be jealous over this how she hand over her inherited money to two of us, You see month can said anything it like but I am assuring you that justice will be done in this case. Another thing is that, In the mail Justice Akah send to you which I went through I see a name similarly to your name, Please don't be offend who owned this name Thomas Payne Hood Karl? are you aware of this name?. Mr Thomas, Don't misunderstand me by my mail, I never knew that this will come in this way, As you can see that this is not my perfection so you need not to misunderstand me on it wheather what I said make sence or not but let know what to do and have this money transfered. Tomorrow I will try to see Justice Akah face to face and ask him how come this name I saw in his mail which he sent to you and what will we do to have have this money transfered. I will not lose this money because when this young girl brought to my hospital God in heaven will bear me witness know one offer me even one Cfa on her treatment and some other investigation which I paid for, So I don't think that I will just forget about this money. When I come back tomorrow I will details you my discussion with him. Please try to be polite with Justice Akah, try to be friendly with him not an enemy ok. Goodnight. Doctor Enaroh Steven. |
George Akah;
So, you know all of these things that were discussed between me and Silverline in confidence because you asked the banker? Was this a Mr. Paul Peters? To answer your question, yes, I did correspond with this thief Paul Peters. He tried to tell me and Silverline that it would cost $8100.00 to get some document so she could access her funds which was an obvious lie. I also spoke with some lawyer that Silverline mentioned and he wanted $30,000.00 before he would even try to help her. That’s when I told her I was through with this transaction and for her to find someone else to help her – I was just sick of all the corruption in your government. Knowing this, it’s kind of surprising that I am the “Trustee Intent”, as you put it. I don’t understand your reference to “Hood Karl” – where is that from? I have never seen that before in my life. Is that a person? I have heard Dr. Steven’s instructions on how to get this money, which made no sense whatsoever (how he is going to transfer the money to a “friend’s” account, etc.), which of course he couldn’t do. I don’t know what he was thinking – that he could possibly do this. Well, you corrected him on this, and for that I thank you, but a lot of the things that you tell me don’t make sense either. For instance – a man with money dies and leaves it to his daughter, but before she actually takes possession of it due to corrupt bankers/officials, she dies and leaves it all to me and Dr. Steven. Now you say that this does not fall under the jurisdiction of Probate? You think we can take possession of the inheritance without the court and that would be legal? Now I know that you are Dr. Steven’s friend and counsel, and you took your own time and effort to look into this matter and for that I thank you. But I think my best course may be to stop listening to everyone’s advice and find out that facts firsthand. I am going to contact the Probate Court and find out what I have to do (if anything) for me and the Doctor to claim our inheritance. I am surprised that they have not contacted me as of yet – I am assuming that when Dr. Steven filed the Death Certificate that he also turned in the Will to the Probate Court. Do you know if he did this? I will copy this email to Dr. Steven so he will knows the steps on which I will take and just to let him know, I am working in both of our best interests, as I am an honest man and would not cheat him from getting what he deserves. And since you have helped us of your own free will, taking up your valuable time, once we come into what is ours, I can promise you a not-so-small gratuity. I will answer any further questions that you have to the best of my ability. Thank you, Thomas Payne |
Doctor Enaroh Steven;
Maybe I took his email wrong or maybe didn’t understand it correctly but it sounded to me that he said we would be charged with Silverline’s murder, basically accusing us of it. And then at the end of his email, he said; “Thomas, I have written enough and I expect you and Dr. Steven to do something or I will be forced to charge you people for any explanation I will make to this regard. What I did, I did for the sake of the Doctor. I have already told him that if I should do any legal work on this; it will be on the cost of the inheritance.” That is where I asked him if he was threatening me. Believe me; I don’t need a taped conversation to know that I had nothing to do with this girl’s death. George asked about that name - Thomas Payne Hood Karl – is this real person, a typo, or what. I didn’t understand where he got this from or what he was talking about. I was polite to George in my last email; I just didn’t like it when I thought he was suggesting that we had something to do with that girl’s death. I copied you on the email, so if you read it you would know I was polite and cordial. Thomas Payne |
Dear Mr. Thomas,
Please be careful what you write to Justice Akah. I went to the insurance to know why we should not have what Sliverline willed to us, I was surprised to hear that they do not have any consent in release of the money until a certified change of ownership between Sliverline and her trustee is presented before them. The probate office is also saying the same thing after I submitted the WILL to them and the death certificate. Mr Thomas, I am making an effort to understand the deposit and how we can get the fund. Justice Akah said we can get the money but we have to complete the procedure. The probate advised us to complete the procedure, You have made things a bit difficult by the manner you wrote to Justice Akah but I will see for that to clear the road so that we will not have problem from his side. Even Mr Paul Peters bribed him that will not work out because I know if he tried such despite his position in my country he will not be free. Mr Thomas, Justice Akah said he will make sure you did not get portion of your money, He said you have to send a written apology to him. You really misunderstood Justice Akah for his effort I am confused and stressed, You really reacted badly I told you that you should not worry about that things will be control instead I will lose this money I will fight with my last power to see that this money we inherit from Sliverline that we have it. Remember Justice Akah is not asking me any money and has no interest in the money we are talking about. Please make peace with Justice Akah. Mr Thomas, Do you have any documents regarding the fund with the bank? After seeing the Insurance they made me to understand that before we can proceed in this case that we should provide them the particulars of this fund in question,we need the particulars of the money from the Insurance Company. We need at most $5,000 to get all the documents and whatever may follow at the insurance, for us to have the money Sliverline inherited. I thought that the will Sliverline wrote can give the money but the probate said that we have to break the policy on the money before the WIIL will have effect, please if you have any documents related to this fund try to forward it to me so that tomorrow I will try to see them. I asked Justice Akah how he get know about the name mentioned, he told me that he saw that name programmed for the transfer of this fund which he have stop that process with the authority in charged. To my understanding I think that Mr Paul Peters has a hand on that and used your name to steal the money we inherited from Sliverline.. Justice Akah said they only need to get the authorization needed before the money could be transferred, He said that if Paul Peters proof that Sliverline is dead, they will get the transfer made but if he did not proof that he has quarry to anwser. You see that Justice Akah has nothing to do with the whole thing only that you misunderstood him and he is not bitter with you. My friend, something need to be done fast before things get out of hands. I want you to reply to my mail immediately you received it to tell me how we can do this so that tomorrow I will go for the obtaining of those documents to present it to them to start the process of the transfer. Remember if you have any relevant documents about the fund try to forward it to me fast. Your Friend. Dr Enaroh Steven. |
Thomas Payne,
I asked Mr. Kevin Willis's PA. She also called their logistics director who detailed me on the state of the deposit. Mr. Paul Peters you mentioned has some querry to answer as regards the HOOD KARL I asked you about. The fund has been programmed to be transferred to Mr. Thomas Payne Hood Karl from Virginia United states. Thomas, one things is for sure, the fund is aimed at a point that is not yours. Yes, there are some documents needed to have the transfer done but definitely it will not cost more than USD 4, 000.00. In fact the only document that cost about USD 12, 000.00 is the Non-Resident certificate but that is optional. You need affidavit for claim, change of ownership and transfer authorization. It is only the change of ownership which is a bit costly because of the category of transaction that is been carried on. Why is a lawyer charging USD 30, 000.00 for what. May be he is executing an illegal business. Thomas, at this point, I will leave you and Dr. Steven to do all you think you can do as regards the transaction you have at hand. Dr. Steven told me about the probate. Listen, He has no fact of the fund to present to the probate office. It is a pitty you do not understand what I told you about. The probate office cannot get any file of the money belonging to Ms. Marvin, they will simply see that what Ms. Marvin inherited has been taken by her relatives. In fact, to put it straight, what you and Dr. Steven suppose to have has been taken by Ms. Marvin's relatives. Either you make effort to understand the unique nature of the fund remaining or forget about it. Dr Steven told me this morning that the probate office asked him to bring the particulars of the fund you are talking about. Ask yourself, from where will he get it. Thomas, do come to me when you need me. I can see that my advise and directives are wasted effort. Truly yours, Justice George Akah. (The Thomas Payne Hood Karl twist was thrown in by the idiot George to speed things up and for me to listen to his directives. The moron actually thought that it would be a good idea instead of seeming entirely ridiculous! Like I said before, these were among the dumbest…) |
What do you mean that Dr. Steven has no fact of the fund to present to the Probate Office? He has the Will, you stupid, moron. You don’t think that the Will is essential to this case and should be presented to the Probate Office? Are you sure that you practice law? Dr. Steven told me that you were a Chief Justice – may I ask of what division or sector of law? It’s obviously not Probate (or common sense for that matter). It is obvious to me that you are either totally incompetent or that you are being paid off by Paul Peters or one of those other corrupt officials that I dealt with when I was trying to help Silverline. Be informed that when I contact the Probate Court that I will forward all of these emails to their office to have you formally investigated as a possible accomplice to Grand Theft and Fraud. To even suggest that Silverline was dealing with me, Thomas Payne, and that someone named Thomas Payne Hood Karl is the targeted “trustee” from the bank is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard and it is obvious that you or Paul Peters just made that up. It is also obvious to me that you are part of a scheme to defraud me and the doctor out of our hard-earned money. I don’t know if you were part of this scheme all along or you just saw an opportunity to make some quick money illegally, but I will let you know that I will not rest until I see you and Paul Peters prosecuted for your crimes, you low-life degenerate. Your friend, Dr. Steven, will be disappointed that you are nothing more than a common thief. I feel sorry for you. Thomas Payne |
Seems an uncivilized man in a civilized country. You will not lay hands on your portion of the money. I assure you that.
George |
Dear Mr Thomas,
I went to the Court and even to the Ministry of justice, they all told me to bring the documents authorizing me to have the money left for us by Sliverline. I was told at the court that I have to present a certified copy of change of ownership and affidavit for claim. They told me that the ministry of finance will have to authorize the release of the money to us I am being stressed about this. From the look of things, I am not seeing any possibility of us getting the money, I went to Justice Akah to know actually what he was saying, In anger he said that I should ask you to get the money whence you know all. Mr Thomas, after much he said that if I am ready to meet the requirements, he will help me but he insisted that he will make sure you did not get any money from the total amount. Mr Thomas, he said that the probate office will look into the will given to us by Sliverline if I should provide the requirements. My Dear Friend, take note of this, Justice Akah said categorically that he will use the probate office to seize your portion of the money. I am sorry and afraid that Justice Akah is capable of doing what he said, Truly he knows his ways even to the presidency. I have made enquiries behind his knowledge but they all say the same thing. The Insurance is not giving any information and the bank seems to be handicapped here. I was told that the bank will have no option than to transfer the money to us if we obtain the authorization. My good friend Thomas, frankly speaking, Justice will debar us from getting this money if we are not careful, he can even make things very difficult for me but if you take it easy, I will make sure he did not become an obstacle. Sincerely speaking, Justice Akah has no interest against us but he is bitter with you. My good friend Thomas, I will appreciate it if you will take it easy for us to understand fully the measure that was taken about this money in question. At a point I was told at the bank that the Marvin's wealth and property has been taken from the bank by the family. This made be curious but Justice Akah told me that the money we are talking about is not inclusive. I understood that the problem is for the authorization to be made which will give the bank the right to release the money without having any penalty from the Insurance. The authorization can only come from the Legal and financial authorities we need to do something. Your Friend. Dr Enaroh Steven. (Dr. Steven takes a stab at damage control and peace-keeping) |
So, as a Chief Justice, you are not interested in the Law and doing what is right and legal? You said yourself that the doctor and I are the legal bona fide beneficiaries to this fund, which you know we are, and now you are saying that I will not lay my hands on the portion that is legally mine? Do you wonder why I was suspicious of you? If you try to stop me from collecting what is legally mine, then you are abusing your power as a Justice of the Law, and I will make sure the proper authorities are contacted and informed about you. Now, I have positive proof that you are corrupt and self-serving. If you will try to intervene and prevent me or the doctor from collecting what is rightfully ours, then I was right all along and that you are nothing but a common criminal. The doctor even told me that Paul Peters probably made up that name, Thomas Payne Hood Karl, just to scare us into paying you and your criminal friends off. He still believes that you are not a filthy, rotten thief, but once he sees this email it should convince him. This is how stupid you are – if you would have helped us and stayed within the law, we would have rewarded you handsomely. But you chose to team up with Paul Peters and Kevin Willis to shake us down for some erroneous fees? A couple thousand dollars? We would have paid you a lot more than that if you stayed on our side. So, not only did you screw yourself of getting any money out of us, your position, honor, and freedom are now in jeopardy because of your abuse of power. I hope you like prison, you pathetic criminal. Thomas |
On the contrary, you chose to be stupid and arrogant. Yes! I assure you that you will not get your portion of the money. You and Dr. Steven are the legal bona fide of the fund if you meet with the demand; that is what I said. Thomas, even if you meet with the demand, I will make sure you did not get yours because you insulted me. Listen my good friend. Just take any action towards the authorities and you will surely know who I am for real. It does not make any difference if you are suspicious of me or not. You chose to insult my sincere effort to assit you and Steven, you called me all sorts of derogatory names, you branded me a criminal, did I call you any? No Thomas, you do not want to have a rethink, and for that reason, I will tell you that I am a legal icon here in Cote d'Ivoire. I repeat Thomas, you must not lay hands on your portion of the fund. Ask Steven who I am. If I choose to be corrupt, even Steven will not lay hands on his portion because he does not understand fully the deposit ruitine of which I am very willing to lead him through. I owe him the duty of assisting him to get what nature brought to him. I am very comfortable and have no interest in getting me from you or from Steven. I am not asking you to give me a dime. But for your arrogance, I will make sure you did not get your portion unless you choose to be reasonable. I am waiting to have you contact the proper authorities.. Copy Steven what I wrote you. You have provoked me and I will show you what I can do in my country. George. |
Dear George the Criminal;
So, do you not think it is illegal to attempt to prevent the rightful inheritors from their legal due because I called you out and proved that you are a dirty, low-life criminal? “Thomas, even if you meet with the demand, I will make sure you did not get yours because you insulted me.” This statement highlighted proves you are a criminal. In the United States, you would fired, jailed sued, and spit on. Is this course of business common in your country? So far I have met 5 people from your country and excluding the doctor and Silverline, everyone else seems to be a no-good, rotten criminal. Did you say you were a Legal Icon in your country or a Legal Moron? I would choose the latter… Thomas |
Hey Moron;
As a big important “Chief Justice”, you must be familiar with the Law Offices of Jean-Francois Chauveau, in Abidjan, correct? I received their contact information through the Côte d’Ivoire Embassy in the U.S. I have spoken with them concerning the matter of Silverline’s Inheritance and after doing some investigating, they said there is no Chief Justice named George Akah and that you were most likely a fraud and a scammer. I figured as much – there is no way that a Chief Justice of any country could be as stupid as you. Does Doctor Steven know that you are not really a Chief Justice, just a pathetic penny-ante criminal? I think it’s hilarious how you act like some big important official – a legal icon, as you put it – only to find out you are just gutter trash trying to steal enough money for a meal. If you are really Dr. Steven’s friend, which I doubt at this point, I will make sure he knows what a pathetic, sad, stupid little creature you are. I heard that pathetic, homeless, jobless, street waifs like you love to have sex with goats – is that true? How many half-goat children do you have? I am so sorry you are a piece of trash – it’s a pity you were born that way. By the way – your stupidity is what gave you away – there is no way a REAL Chief Justice could have been as stupid as you. Thomas Tell me some more interesting made-up stories when you get a chance – very amusing! |
Your stupidity started the day your pork coloured mother gave birth to a pork of a being. Be it you spoke to Cote d'Ivoire Embassy of to Jean-Francois, it makes no difference. Note that I called "The" Jean Francois well knowned here and no pork coloured idiot called or contacted them.
Let me see how you will get the money. If I am fake, let me see how you are going to get the money. You must, I repeat, you must go through me to have your money or you will never get. Only my death will give you the money unless God intervained. Note I copied Steven if you think I am hiding anything. Bastard!!!! George. (Pork-colored? Is that supposed to be an insult?) |
Hey Moron;
My, you are a petty little man for being a “big” important Chief Justice. You’ve resorted to name-calling and insults (and, of course, lies…). You did not call the lawyer I talked to through the Embassy – I know this for three reasons; 1) Small-time, little, pathetic thieves do not call lawyers because they are afraid of anything that has to do with law enforcement or the law in general. 2) I know you didn’t call because my lawyer could not legally give out that information to you. It would be a breach of the attorney/client relationship and the lawyer would get disbarred for that. If you knew anything about the law, which you don’t, you would know this. 3) I also know that you didn’t call because you are a low-life thief and obviously too stupid and poor to make any money, therefore you do not have enough to make a phone call. So, go back to your computer at the internet café with your rotten brethren and try to find some other innocent person to steal from, to feed your stupid, ugly, little goat-children. By you copying the Doctor on your response means one of two things – that he is in on this scam with you, or that he actually still believes that you are a Chief Justice (who knows nothing about the law), and is not smart enough to figure out that you are an imposter and the scourge of mankind. I am so sorry that you are a pathetic, waste of oxygen. Your stupid goat-parents must cry whenever they realize that their mentally deficient child is nothing more than a common, internet thief. You must be a huge disappointment to them. I pity them. Regards, Thomas |
Dr. Steven;
After reading the last few emails from that the idiot that the fake Justice Akah wrote – are you now convinced of what I said? I need to know if you are with me or with that pathetic, criminal George Akah (which I found out isn’t even his real name…). Thomas |
Dear Thomas,
Regards to your mail, if I am by your side or the side of Akah.. I stand with my two legs working to see that I reach the end of this matter. Tomorrow, I will be in the probate office so when I am back I will reach you to inform you the level of things. Just believe that soon and sonest we shall have our fund transfered. One thing I want you to understand is that this fund Sliverline WILL to I and you which she wrote her WILL and tells how we will share the money, I will not sit down and see that your share is taken aware from you. You are a man not everything you hear you will react on, he may like to be proveking you to see if you will forget about the money, By the way how do you think that it will be possible for him to stop you of having your own share?. Like you said that Justice Akah is working with Paul Peters and kevin willis to take away our inherited, that will not happen hence I am involved. what I need from you is co-operation and self control. Your friend. Dr Enaroh Steven. |
This bait is still ongoing – I just could wait to publish it! I’m sure me the idiot George have a few more insults to exchange. The funny thing is that in his emails, he still wants to do business with me! What a complete and utter moron! There is obviously no entry-level intelligence test to become a 419 scammer, that’s for sure! I still have to get the doctor involved in this more – I’m waiting for him to choose a side before I start calling him names and telling him how stupid he is! I still have the Death Certificate with no cause of death to use against him too!
I’ll keep you updated! |
Update 3/31/2009;
This bait is still going strong! Doctor Steven is panicked because my crack team of Cote d’Ivoire lawyers have uncovered that there is no Chief Justice George Akah, that he is a fraud and a scammer. Doctor Steven is so stupid that he doesn’t realize that if I know that George is a scammer, then the doctor is too because Doctor Steven professed to me that he has known George for 10 years. This moron is still grasping the hope that they will get some money out of me… I think my team of lawyers may say something different – they have already been to the Courts and can find no evidence that Sliverline Marvin died, or even existed for that matter. The vengeful George Akah tells me that he has wiped away all traces of this transaction to spite me, showing me his power as Chief Justice. Wow, it’s like Sliverline Marvin never existed and this is all pretend – oh wait, it is! |
George Akah;
Hey you stupid, ignorant, piece-of-shit; Have you spoken with the doctor lately? Of course not, because he now knows that you are just a filthy, little, pathetic scammer. I don’t know how you fooled him into thinking you were important, but it was obvious to me from the beginning that you were nothing more that an idiotic, little, grubby, disease-ridden thief. In America, we learned that most African men have sex with goats. Is that true? Do you have any goat-children? This excludes the good doctor of course. Thomas |
Dr. Steven;
After reading the last few emails from that the idiot that the fake Justice Akah wrote – are you now convinced of what I said? I need to know if you are with me or with that pathetic, criminal George Akah (which I found out isn’t even his real name…). Thomas |
Dear Mr Thomas,
Like I told you that justice must be done, You can have a look on the attachment below and tell me what you see. So everybody knows the truth but is very difficult to say it because of money. Now that the High Court have gave us the right to claim our inherited fund from Sliverline, but I still pray to her may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace. I will like you to send me your valid identity for me to know whom I am dealing with. Now what do you suggest that we should do as we have right now to claim our inherited fund? I asked you before the extend you have gone with the bank but you did not tell me, I will like you to write to me or as well call me on phone to details me how you have gone with the bank for me to know where to start. bear it in mind that I have been spending my time and money to see that everything went well. If it will be possible for you to write me now and details me the level you have gone with the bank it will be highly appreciated so that I can get back to you to see if it will be possible to visit the bank tomorrow to apply for the release of the fund and also know they requirements. Yours Friend, Dr Enaroh Steven. |
Did you file the Death Certificate with the proper Registry/Ministry?
Thomas |
Dear Mr Thomas,
Why you have not respond to my mail to you since some days now? After sending you the mail I tried many times to call you but you are not picking my call why? Even you are not in position to answer my call when I am calling after can't you call me?. Back to our business, did you receive the attachments I attach to you from the probate court? Yes you said that you have contact your lawyer in cote d'ivoire, who is that your lawyer? Can I have his contact? You said that you sent them the death certificate and the will what for? and who and who did you send the death certificate and will to?. Listen and listen good, if this I am doing is not ok to you go ahead and tell me so that I will leave you and your lawyer to finish it up but let my own share not be touch.Even you are inviting another person that is for your own side not from this our inheritance did I made my self clear?. There is notting to do with the probate court again since the have give an order of claim to us for our inheritance. what we need is to get back to the bank and ask them the requirements as you told me that the ask you to get documents before transferring the money. If you are not satisfied better come down here to see things yourself than to be prolonging matter, I an expecting your mail when you hear from your lawyer. Yours friend, Dr Enaroh Steven. |
Dr. Steven;
I haven’t responded back to you because there was nothing to report as of yet. My lawyer looked into the Fake Chief Justice’s claims and found them all to be false. He was obviously trying to exhort money from you and me, working with Paul Peters from the bank. If you have been trying to call, you must call after 7:00pm EST because I don’t get home from work until then. I can only assume you called when I was at work. I sent the Death Certificate and Will to my lawyer, who I hired through the Cote d’Ivoire Embassy in the United States. They were on the list of Approved Legal Guidance from the American Citizen Services Department from the Embassy, so I know they are reputable and authentic. Law Office of Chauveau, Jean-Francois : 29 Blvd Clozel, Plateau. 01 BP 3586 Abidjan 01 This is their contact information. They will inquire at the Probate Ministry exactly what steps needs to be taken for us to receive our inheritance. The main thing that bothers me is that I haven’t been contacted by Probate as a claimant to the estate. I can only assume that it is because they don’t have my address on record, just my email. My lawyer told me that they do not make contact in this regard by email, only certified mail, so I am sure that is the reason. I don’t know what you are getting mad for. I am working in BOTH of our best interests – I would never cheat you from what you deserve. And don’t worry about your share – not only would I not touch it – it is not even possible, as I am sure that the money has been placed in Escrow and is inaccessible to anyone except for Probate. You still seem to be listening to that false advice that the idiot George told you – don’t. Pretty much, most of what he told you was a lie. That whole mess about “Trustee Intent” and “Thomas Payne Hood Karl” were just stupid lies made up by him in his scheme. I will get back with you once the lawyer returns from the Probate Office with the Death Certificate and Will. Your friend, Thomas Payne |
Dear Mr Thomas,
I am still waiting for you to tell me your discussion with your hired lawyer as you said. Did you send me adress without phone and email? How will I know him and contact him? I want you to send me his telephone number as well email. Your Friend, Dr Enaroh Steven. |
Dr. Steven;
Have you heard anything from the idiot George Akah? My guess is that he went into hiding because he is afraid of getting busted for being a low-life scammer. Good riddance – I knew there was something suspicious about him – he was either a crook or the dumbest Chief Justice on Earth. Anyways, back to our business – I will have my lawyers in Cote d’Ivoire look into what we need to do to get our rightful inheritance. I just sent them the Death Certificate and the copy of the Will and instructed them to go to the Probate Ministry to gather the details. Hopefully you and I will soon get what we rightfully deserve! I will contact you back when I hear from the lawyer. Thanks. Thomas |
Dear Mr Thomas,
I don't understand what you mean, I am still waiting to read from you as you said that you sent your lawyer to have a look in somethings about the probate. I will aslo like you to forward to me your lawyer contact here include phone and email. Your Friend, Dr Enaroh Steven. |
I am asking if you filed the Death Certificate with the proper Registry after Sliverline died because the lawyer can find no record of her actual existence. They told me that there may be a problem with the Death Certificate, but they haven’t told me what it is yet. Have you talked to George Akah since we last spoke? The lawyer went to the police and gave a report on his actions.
You could have looked up there address and phone number in the phone book to contact the lawyer – as I understand, they are well-known, reputable lawyers in Abidjan. Here is their contact info; Law Office of Chauveau, Jean-Francois : 29 Blvd Clozel, Plateau. 01 BP 3586 Abidjan 01 Tel: 20 252 570. Fax: 20 252 580 The last I heard from them, they have not been to the Probate Court yet, but they have verified that there is no Chief Justice George Akah, and they have been to the police. I want that idiot thrown in jail. He has some nerve to lecture me when he is just a common petty crook. I hope they will go to the Probate Court soon to see what we have to do to collect our inheritance, I know you’ve been waiting a while and I apologize for this. But you must admit that because of me I saved us thousands of dollars we might have paid to the criminal George Akah or Paul Peters. Thomas |
Dear Mr Thomas,
Yes I did. Now what is the next thing to do? Are we going to wait for them as you said that they have not went to the probate?. May I ask, what is this all about sending your lawyer here which you have not sure of them or even know them before in this matter? It means that you dont trust me or did you? Well I am waiting as you said but you have to do fast before water enter garri. I am sure you recieved the document that I sent to you from the probate court? So what are you still investigating again? Tell me. Your Friend, Dr Enaroh Steven. |
I didn’t send my lawyers there, they have offices in Abidjan. I contacted through the U.S. Embassy – American Citizen Services, so I am relatively sure of their integrity. They are looking into what needs to be done for us to collect our inheritance, but they ran into some problems. One being that they can’t seem to find any record of Sliverline’s Death on the official record, nor can they find anything about her in any records whatsoever.
I spoke with them yesterday, and they are going to the bank (Banque Atlantique) to inquire about the funds. They told me the same thing I said; they don’t understand why the money has not been seized by the court and placed in escrow. This may be because of the failure to find her name in the records. I’m sure that’s just a simple mistake. They will learn more when they go to the bank. I warned them about dealing with Paul Peters, that we suspect him of being a crook. I’ll contact you when I hear back from them. Thomas |
Dear Mr Thomas,
I have heard all you said, Now what is the outcome from your lawyer which you send to the bank?. Your Friend, Dr Enaroh Steven. |
I haven’t heard from you, you filthy criminal. Is it because you are in hiding because you are afraid of getting prosecuted for your crimes? I thought so… My lawyers have gone to the police and make a report about you. All of your big talk about how important and powerful you are, and now you are hiding like a scared little rabbit in a hole.
Thomas |
A rattling of the dirty white Pork. Continue but be assured that my laugh must surely come last. You are nothing but just clashing cymbal. Only the action will speak for itself.
However, I am waiting when you will start the quarel with Steven, a nagging son of a bitch. Beautiful bastard. |
Don’t you dare call Dr. Steven a nagging son of a bitch. He is a good, honest man – unlike you. He has a real job and doesn’t try to steal from innocent people like you, you pathetic worm. He may not know the law very well, but then again, neither did you. The only thing you know about the law is how to get arrested for being a pathetic, penny-ante, little thief who has sex with goats. So go back to your gutter life with your ugly, goat-children and your meager attempts to steal from honest, hard-working people.
I truly pity you. Thomas |
Beast, do not relegate your status to another fellow, you swine. You think you can get what another man suffered to have because they went through misunderstanding. Listen, Glorious pig, you will never lay your filty hands on the money.
Rought you swanky pork, After thunder comes the rain |
You are definitely the funniest thief I have ever had the pleasure of talking down to. Does it seem like I am worried about the money? When my father passed away, I inherited close to $500, 000.00 from his estate, which is more money than you will ever see in your sad, pathetic lifetime. In fact, I’m sure I make more in a year then you have in life. If you were a smarter thief, maybe you could afford to feed your nasty little goat-children but unfortunately you are a freaking moron and will always be a pathetic, dirty little man.
The Doctor and I will collect our inheritance since I learned that you are not a Chief Justice, just a silly little conman. You should be more worried about the law catching up with you, instead of still wishing you were smart to swindle me and the good doctor. Your plot failed because you are an idiot. Get over it. We will collect our money, and all you can do is sit back and watch! Goodbye little man. Thomas |
Hi Desecreded pork,
Wait, I can see why a pork is backing like a dog and even trying to roar like a lion. Oh silly beast, stop gorying for you have sold yourself out. Mere US$ 500, 000.00. You are actually in a civilized world but definitely you are not of her. Listen bloody idiot of the pork race. You lazy weakler, you inherited and you are boasting of it; you should be at the fense watching us the play maker who got our wealth by our strenght and hardwork. If you do not know, it takes the wise to steal that is the reason why the law convicts he whom the motive is in the positive. I can see why you are dieing of heart attack because your lazy bone and dull brain cannot work out things. Appologize and I will make things easy for you. Should I repeat this? you are nothing but a swanky white pork. I know the details and I am keeping it. Steven gets his and you will not get yours. For your information, thank Steven dearly for he is holding a lot for you. He does not want hurt you in as much as he aknowledges your stupidity. Note he also has a limit in which he can hold for you, I advise you not to exeed that limit. That is if your porage brain can hold the advise. However, I still give you the honour of closing your E-mail fine. Regards, George. NB: The rain must surely come Thomas. |
Dear Worthless-Piece-Of-Shit;
Contrary to you and most of your pathetic, disease-ridden country, I work for a living. I don’t spend my days sitting at an internet café pretending I am a Chief Justice so I can steal money from innocent people. As I said in my last email, I’m sure I make more in a year than you will in your sad, pathetic lifetime. Do you think you are wise and strong because you steal from people? I agree it is probably hard work for someone as stupid as you, but you act like stealing is noble. It is sad that there people like you is this world. Don’t even act like Dr. Steven is your friend anymore, because he is not. He now realizes what a sad, pathetic, creature you are. And don’t act like you can have any effect on our business together – you can’t. My lawyer already exposed you for the fraud you are, something that I already knew. You have no power, no intelligence, no job, no honor, no integrity – in fact, the only thing you do have is a permanent seat at the internet café and probably some ugly, stupid, goat-children. Did you really want me to apologize to you? OK, here it goes; I am sorry you are stupid. I am sorry you are poor. I am sorry you are a pathetic, criminal. I am sorry that you will never be anything but a waste of life. I am sorry that you were born. I am sorry that you have ugly, goat-children. I am sorry you are too stupid and lazy to get a real job. How’s that? Is my apology accepted? Thomas |
Honourable Swine,
Of course the appology will not be accepted if they come from a human being, but because it come from a celebrated idiot, and August Swine for that matter, it can be accepted. After all it is a pleasure to a civilized pork to appologize to an Icon. Do not cry now for you have not yet come to reality. I should advise you to let Steven stop worrying for I have done the deed. I have annuled all traces of the fund. Let me see how you can archieve anything. Steven should understand that the death certificate in his hands can do something but I have taken care of that either. Thomas, if you do not accord yourself the required principle, I will have the honour of having you loose what was given to you in an unmerited appreciation. Bastard. George. |
George the Internet Scammer;
Are you back to pretending that you are a Chief Justice again? I thought we made a breakthrough in your therapy when you admitted you were a thief, and now it’s back to pretending that you are important again. I’m afraid that you may never be cured of your mental disease – not unless you face the facts, and finally admit that you are a sad, little, rotten, filthy, diseased, poor excuse for a man. Once you admit this, I will be able to help you. I guess when you annulled all traces of this transaction; you annulled the fact that you were a Chief Justice? Wow, pretty impressive! Or totally made up! Talking to you is very funny, but I can’t help but to feel sorry for you. I know it’s not totally your fault you’re a worthless piece of shit. Your shitty parents probably had a lot to do with it too. Are they internet scammers too? You should cut their throats and put them out of their misery. That would be the one good deed you have ever done in your life. Do the world a favor, and slit your own throat too. The world would be better off without you. Thomas |
Thomas the rattler,
When the fight reaches at the splashing of sands, you know the end is soon. You have diverted to cours to my parents. I can see you are nut ana you are shames white porky junky. I should have realised earlier that you are a dirty junky. It is even clearer that you managed to steal US$500, 000.00 only to drug yourself to stupidity. I am sorry if I did tell you the truth that tends to jeopardize your aim of laying hands on another money for your jonky life. Your words even show some reflexes of how you cut your parents throats only to drug yourself to madness. Take ages pork and you will not have what humans enjoy; money. Be human and I george will purify you. Your salvation rested in my hands. You will crawl to beg for my help dear pigly Thomas. But Thomas, why not leave all these things about this money whence you pretend and claim to be comfortable. In fact, write to Steven giving him all the right of the money and you will see how I will make everything easy for him. I know your stupid and nutty sense will accuse Steven of using me to have the whole money to himself. Bastard, just do what I said and you will see how everything will be given to him in few days. Greedy son of a bitch. Porky Chief. You have my regards, George. |
Dear George;
I’m not sure what half the things you say in this last email means, but I laughed my ass off anyways! It’s difficult trying to understand your emails because of your low intelligence. In my country, white people are not junkies (if you mean drugs) – just blacks and Mexicans. Just like they are responsible for all of the crime too – just like in your country (just the blacks, of course). You want me to sign the money over to Steven? If I do that, then we won’t have these meaningful conversations that I hold so dear! I would miss this. Along with your nonsensical ravings and your pathetic pleas… Have you ever had a real job in your life? Or have you always been a thief and a waste of life. I would be interested to know what went wrong with you to make you so stupid and a criminal. Did your stupid parents abuse you? Is it in your blood? Or is it because everyone from Africa is that way? It is sad really – I really do pity you – almost as much as I laugh at you! If you want to see something really funny and the reason I know you’re a fake – check out this - - I’m sure this will answer any concerns you have. This one also tells why I know you are a fraud - - so if you want to pretend that you are someone important, and not a piece of shit, and then I will play along with you offering you my opinions. But truthfully, we both know what you are, don’t we? Your Friend, Thomas At this point, I decide to show him the links to my website! I figured I might get some death threats or voodoo curses out of it! |
Hey Georgey-boy;
Are you still there? Do you feel like a fool? You should – you are definitely the biggest fool I have ever had the displeasure to meet. It must be real embarrassing for you, a legal moron, like yourself… Thomas |
I must commend you. Do me a favour, and do not let Steven know about what you did, just wait till he takes side as you wrote. One thing is for sure, uncertainty is course in living and as far as we are beings of great limitation, a lot of things still elude us. Thomas, I will sincerely wish you make a novel out of this and for that reason, I will not stop till we have a better novel produced. I am with you and will like to make a better scene out of this. Your team of lawyers? who is footing the bil, very interesting also. I love what seems like racism in your Email, the saintly whites and the devilish blacks and caucautians. For the filing on the internet, I tend to love you Thomas. How I wish we could me to get certain things harnessed. Regards, George |
Now you have me curious – why do you not want the fool who is pretending to be the Doctor to know our secret? Thomas |
Looking at what you did on the internet site you gave me, it will not come natural if the doctor knows what is going on between us. Remeber I told you that I will appreciate it if you make a book (Novel) out of this. Thomy, do not fail to let me know who is footing the bill of the services your team of lawyers are doing here in Cote d'Ivoire. Do not be curious as I sincerely enjoying what is going on. Thomas, you know I could for a prophet; it seems the thunder era is over and we are drifting towards the rain. Regards, George. |
Do you think the doctor knows or not? I was just wondering why you would not want him to know. All those comments you make about the thunder and the rain – I have no idea what you are talking about – please explain. Did you really enjoy my website? Most scammers who find out what I am doing are usually a little bit more upset then you seem to be. It shows you have a sense of humor. That’s something I guess…
I just received an email from the doctor – he’s getting kind of mad that I am prolonging this matter. Is it your suggestion that I keep him fooled and continue with this, or should I enlighten him to what I am really doing? Wow, we are actually having a civil conversation. Amazing, huh? Thomas |
Dear Thomy,
I do not know if he knows or not, I am not interested at that. You can let him know but it will not give the room to enjoy the scam built up you are doing on the site. If he knows, he will get fraustrated and stop Emailing you, and that will give the scam programme you are building an undue course. If you have a way on continuing if you let him know, then tell him. I have to say categorically that I am not and will never be upset about what you are doing. I will help you have a better programme if you like. If you want me to act better for you to have an aim of the type or shape of scam programme you want, I can do that for you. Thomy, the thunder and rain comment is simply a proverb.. Another proverb says that when you say a proverb to a fellow and interpretes it, the fellows mother's dowries is in vain. You have actually expressed the thunder and rainy comment I made. You were giving me a thunder responses few correspondences away but now, you are giving me a rainy responses. I grew up to know these arts of humans. Thomy, actually I have great sense of humor but sometimes, humors are not accepted in a humorous way because of the perceptive understanding. Did you say civil conversation? Thomas, all the while, we were having a civil conversation. Listen, in your comment which you wrote in red, you said "white colored pork, is that suppose to be insult" This simply means all those calls did not even hurt you so also all the goaty things you were saying about me. Friend, all those things did not change anything in your existence. Listen Thomas, it is almost impossible to tell a Muslem that Mohammed is ungodly so also to a Christian that Jesus Christ is ungodly. Why? because they are all engraved in the noms of belief. You are who you are and I am whom I am. Goaty porky stuff does not change us, that makes the correspondences civil. If you should inflict any injury on me nor I inflict any on you, it is gone out of civil. Thomas, do you know that notting will make you believe that Ms. Sliverline existed nor does she had any inheritance. In like manner, nothing will make it real unless you found such amount in your account. On the other hand, if the whole thing is fake, nothing will make Sliverline or her inheritance real. But because we are beings of great limitation we cannot assertain the fact even if I tell you that this is scam. Yes! it is so because you are not sure if I said this to get you derailed on the fact. One things is sure; we can both build a story to portray SCAM, and allow the contineous outflow of money that exist here in Africa continues unpeturbed. Yes! both SCAM and the GENUIN exist here. ONLY GOD CAN PUT AN END TO NEGATIVITY. GUESS....? Thomas it seems you see me as a maniac, no I am not, frankly speaking I am not, I have a civilized mind just as you may see yourself. If I may push you a bit towards the scripture; if God does not intervain even the rightous shall likewise perish. Hardship and difficulties are illwind that blows no one good. Tell me Thomas; in one of my correspondences, I said it takes wisdom to steal. The law only convicts motives and tempers justice to one who hasn't motive. Do not muzzle the oxes that matches the weats. Truly you may not understand certain facts about Africa but please be decentralized if you are trading with other people of the other races. Africa is a place that has a moral standard which is been treated badly buy difficulties and illitracy. The scam artiest are those who lives in the world of survival without public backing. They are mostly those who want to breakthrough. Sure, the law are against it but morally, those who subjects them to this situation are equally guilty. I will sentence one who is guilty in not more than 3 months jail term. I have a priest who once told me that civilization has made the civilzed live in a self made tombs. What was he saying, that because the civilized do not practice extended relativity, they die in their homes to be found days later. I asked a friend from your country is it true that civilization has turned many away from God, he said YES! Thomas, I believe we will have a lot to say if we should continue to correspond. Time shall prevail in all human activities. If the government is not making effort to provide for all in your country, those are not kept for will me a greater scam artist. The African governments are the genesis and the propellers of SCAM. Note, 99% of the format used in scam are that the government paid to the late father, an abandoned money at the bank (contract money paid to a foreign deceased client) etc. Those who are at the government uses these means to starsh money to the western world. The funny thing is that the government of the western world backs these people in a well organized manner called one sort legal act or mode. The parrallel of this act is nothing but a scam. Thomas, note that this fund (legally) stollen can be used to better the state of millions. Who is to be blamed? the uncivilized mind of the authorities. Thomas, it may seems I am advocating for the scam artist, No but the government should accept the God's principle, that only will give us the ease we need. Best regards friend, George. |
I have not heard from you since I emailed you last. What is happening, do email me I am waiting. George |
I am busy at work.
I’ll get back to you later. Thomas |
Hey George;
I am still curious as to why you would want me to continue baiting the good doctor? I can tell it is nearing the end – he is getting quite frustrated with me. His last email basically told me to come there myself and see with my own eyes and to stop emailing him more about this. My lawyer spoke with the bank and of course they have no record of Sliverline Marvin or her father and the idiot doctor suggested that this was because I went to the wrong branch because he never told me what branch the account was at. What a moron – I guess if he ever had a real bank account himself, he would know that when you open an account at one branch, it is accessible at any of the branches. I guess he has never had a bank account before… The funny thing about you suggesting that I write a novel about all this; I actually thought of doing so a while ago. Why would you want me to? It would only make more people aware of the problem and your attempts to steal money less effective. I have some questions about this scam if you don’t mind answering. The original scam with Sliverline begging me for money for transfer fees and document fees – I finally got sick of her whining and complaining and blew her off – I was sick of baiting her (read the threads on my website if you’re not familiar what I said to end it). My question is – how did you and the doctor get into the picture? Who passed it on to the doctor? Or is the doctor the same scammer as Sliverline. I assumed that you were not the same people because the original scammer’s English and spelling was so bad I could barely understand “her”. Thomas |
How are you today Thomas (Mac)? "I assumed that you were not the same people because the original scammer’s English and spelling was so bad I could barely understand “her”. Franckly speaking, you could barely understand this whole thing.
Thomas, let me call your mind to something else; do you think that if Sliverline succeeded in transferring this money to you, knowing fully well that she does not know you from Adams, you could made away with this money?..... My good friend, there is more to this than you could understand and that is the reason why I was saying something about human limitations. I was reading one book written by, I think 2 Americans. OP CENTER, ACT OF WAR. At the end, one Colonel August wanted the strikers to use an act of BLUFF to reclaim the OP Center VAN. Do you know what; the bluff actually yielded result because the Kurds actually ran away thinking that the mortar the Strikers were using will actually be short. Bluff does not scare the scam artist away. Simply tell him you are not in and stop mailing. When you continue, it becomes the case of the purr in the bottle. Thomas, you see, you used the word "My Site" though you could use a trade name MAC for the site. Or on the other hand, Thomas is the trade name. However, there are a lot of things we humans cannot ascertain because of our limited nature. The scripture said and precisely Christ; that easier is the passage of Camel than the rich through the eye of a niddle. You asked me how I got involved in what you branded a scam. My good friend, if I should open up certain things, it will ruin a lot of things that have to do with the Elites not only here in Africa but both at the Western world. I saw at internet the names Bush family used and the names Obama family used as the members of CIA. What was the purpose of those names? to achieve much for United States. When you are involved, names are the surest disguise for the transaction. Many are factual in which the names are used to get a better client. Thomas, had it been you are in and did not show you were not in, you would have known better than you do. How I wish I am free to give you more insight, you would have loved me more and know the reason why I gave you my time. You are civil and very much human though in you is the natural madness that beholds every human including me. You were saying that if you do the novel, you will expose the scam artist thereby making the attempt to steal money less effective. You have to ask yourself for how long has this been going on. I can only give you this. One act of the genuine stealing of the money; meaning the politicians stealing the money to overseas give one million opportunities to the scam artist. The deaths like that of Mobutu, Savimbi, Abacha, Fodey Sankoh, Sankara etc, gave million dollars to scam artist. But note that these men took away billions of dollars to the Western Word. Thomas, where is the justice? What I am saying is that nothing you do can put an end to what is happening. The only person that can put an end to this is GOD Himself. Thomas, what makes you think that I have not told the Dr. about the development myself. For your information, I have to be frank with you, there is a lot of money in which the foreigners are simply siked to put just but few correspondences and the deed is done. Thomas, we simply have to be mailing friends because we know the fact of the course. You loose nothing and we gained what we need to gain. You are right; Steven does not know actually what is at Stake. He simply had a French Orientation but I had an English Orientation where the business world is raging high. He was busy trying to get a man who does not believe in what he is battling for, and we are busy running the course. Just few days after Easter, everything will be OK. Thomas, to answer your questions; Sliverline was never in for any Scam and Dr. Steven has no intention of Scamming either. You never made any attempt to understand the fact either. You would have blown things out but everything is still in order. I will not fail to let you know you should keep your course up. You are doing well. I do not expect you to understand fully because I gave my explanations in a proverbial manner. This is simply to protect myself from offending the order. The main transaction is coded and it does thrive under the guise of the raging scam. You cannot get in unless you agreed in the standing order. Stop being curious and work in what you believe in. Continue to build the wall against scam. Those who still believe in the deal and know how to trade it will forge on. You can enquire from your region if you know anybody who does trade with Africa especially the politicians how it is been done. As you rightly put it; "I can tell it is nearing the end”. Tell him the Doctor and see what he will say. Regards, George |
Did you notice that the subject I gave you last stayed long enough. It is a subject that befits the trade very well. Try to understand better, for the world is big and needs information and communication to gain much. George. |
(Back to the Idiot Doctor)
I haven’t heard from them yet. They only contact me via telephone, so if I’m not home, then I may miss any calls from them. I did hear from the fake George Akah again – he is such a moron. First he admits to me that he is a thief and he considers that what he does is “wise and strong” and then in the last email he pretends he is the Chief Justice again. He has some real bad mental problems. He doesn’t contact you anymore, does he? He still brings up your name. Thomas |
Dear Mr Thomas,
What you are doing is not wise, If you can come to my country I and you will visit the bank and ask for the realeas of this money that could be better than prolonging matter, Will it be possible for you?.I dont guissip and dont listen to it. Now tell me what is your mind about this matter. Your Friend. Dr Enaroh Steven. |
We seem to have a problem. My lawyer informed me that they cannot find any record of Sliverline, her death, her will, her living at the refugee camp, or the money from the bank. What exactly is going on here?
Thomas |
Dear Mr Thomas,
Your lawyer told you that he did not find any existence of Sliverline and this money from bank right? So now meaning what?.I am a man that do what I like to do not what that like me to do it, Like I told you before that I dont gossip and don't listen to it. Which bank did you send your lawyer to? and who told them that there is no money deposited by Mr Emmanuel Marvin in the bank? I want all this to carry on my action if what you said is what your lawyer told you. Mr Thomas, I will like you to book appointment when you will come to my country Cote D'Ivoire so that I and you will visit the bank and you see things your self than to be sending people what do you want them to tell you since you are not from Cote D'Ivoire, did you think that they will be happy about this money transfered to you? Reason as a man. Everything that is going on in this I know whom is doing that but I am not a corward that person will use his power to take a way what that belongs to me. I wait your respond. Yours Friend, Dr Enaroh Steven. |
Dr. Steven;
I am not sure what a lot of this email means. The bank that they went to was Banque Atlantique of Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. There is no record of any account or deposit from Emmanuel Marvin at that bank. So how do we explain this? Do you think the evil Paul Peters stole the money? Is that what you are implying? Because if you are suggesting that the idiot George Akah had anything to do with this you are dead wrong. I already proved to you that he is a fraud and therefore has no power to do what he said. My lawyer already proved that there is no Chief Justice George Akah. I don’t understand why you think a trip to Cote d’Ivoire would be required of me, if my lawyers, who know Cote d’Ivoire laws and regulations better than we do can’t find anything, what am I supposed to do? I will make the trip if it is absolutely necessary, but this whole transaction is starting to look really fishy. Thomas |
Dear Mr Thomas,
Are you a child? Dont you know that some people are not happy about this. You send your lawyer to Banque Atlantique right? In Cote D'Ivoire is it only one branch did banque atlantique have? You said that your lawyer went to Banque Atlantique Cote as if Banque Atlantique is only one branch. Look Mr Thomas, I am too old to be young. I was a young man before you so you can not fool me. Tell your Lawyer that I Dr Steven Enaroh said that what he is saying was absolutely nonse. I will not sit in my house knowing what maket is buying unless I am there that is me. As I told you that I dont gossip and dont listen to it. You said that your lawyer who knows Cote D'Ivoire laws you have sent him to verify everything for you, have you see him or know him?. Well Mr Thomas I will not wast my precious time again writing to you since you still listen to corwards talk, If you really want to do this with me I will like you to come down here to see things with your eyes if you are really the Thomas Ms Sliverlin introduce me to because I have ask for your identity card you did not send it to me Firstly. Secondly, If you can not come down here issue an power of attoney and send it to me so that I will go for the fund. Yours Friend, Dr Enaroh Steven. |
Listen idiot – you are the one who screwed this whole transaction up by involving your friend – a criminal into this matter. If you would not have involved him, this may be all said and done by now. When I first spoke to you a while ago, you seemed like a good, honest man. Now all that I see is a greedy, inconsiderate, money-grubbing waste. What happened? Did the lust or lure of this money corrupt your heart? You act like it is the only thing in the world to you. That’s pretty pathetic. You knew Sliverline as a patient for what? One week? And now you stand to inherit $5 million dollars for barely knowing someone? The money has screwed up your mind and now you have a sense of greed and entitlement. I just went back through my emails from you and NEVER once did you ask me to send you a Driver’s License, which I would have gladly sent to you.
As for my lawyer going to the bank – yes, I realize that there are probably more than one branch of Banque Atlantique – but do you realize this – that when you have an account at one bank, you can access it from any branch. It will show up on any branch – you don’t have to go to the exact one the deposit was made at. Maybe if you ever open a bank account for yourself you would realize this. No, I have not met the lawyer in person; I have talked to him on the phone and he is recommended by the Embassy so I know I can trust them. You work at St. Joseph’s Hospital right? How about if I arrange a meeting between the lawyer’s and you and maybe you can sort this out? Thomas |
What’s up Doc?
I haven’t heard from you in a couple days. You never answered my question about meeting with the lawyer. It’s St. Jude’s Hospital you work for right? I made a mistake on my last email when I said St. Josephs. I could have the lawyer just meet you in your office at the hospital to discuss the matters over with you. That would be a hoot! You could march him down to the bank and prove that the money exists in contrast to his findings – that also would be a hoot! If you want to contact him direct or want to know any info concerning this matter between us, you might want to look at these links; I hope this will clear up any misunderstanding we’ve had between us and will get us onto a new, fresh start. Regards, Thomas |
Could this be the end? We will see if the idiot doctor will respond - at least to give me some good insults. Even if he doesn't, I think this has bee a highly succcessful bait! And loads of fun! |
Back to George...
George; Even when you are trying to talk civil, you are hilarious! I barely understand the whole thing? I think I understand it all too well… You are not still pretending that Sliverline actually existed or that she had some big inheritance are you? I thought we were beyond that. Of course I knew months ago there was no money and this was all a silly scam. What you said about bluffing not scaring the scam artist away – I agree with you totally. I tried to end this scam with Sliverline months ago, but you and the doctor kept it alive. If bluffs scared away the scammers so easily, my purpose would lose a lot of its effect. The fact is that a scammer will hold on to whatever slim chance there is to stealing money from a victim, if they think there is a little hope. I’ve seen it many times – I have abused scammers, called them all sorts of horrible names, insulted their race, heritage, children, and parents – and I still can’t get rid of them. They are all about the money. Do I think that I, solely, can stop internet scam artists – of course not. But we can all do our parts. If I warn one person that they are dealing with a criminal and save that person from being a victim, then my purpose is fulfilled. This I have already done a dozen times (mainly from the idiotic scammers who forget to post email addresses in the cc: line of their scam emails…). I’ve had dozens of people thank me for warning them that they were dealing with criminals. Once I sent you that link to my website, I was no longer trying to hide what I was doing. That was not an error when I said “my site”. Yes, I am MAC – I am also Greg, Thomas, Debbie, Marcus, and a few other names also. What makes me think that you didn’t tell the doctor about this scambaiting was that you said you didn’t. Now, I realize that you have a hard time telling the truth and that you may not know what is real or a lie even to yourself, but I took what you said at face value. Whether the doctor knows or not, that’s no concern of mine – there are thousands more emails for me to answer. The longer email threads just make for better reading for my readers. I do not wish to know the inner workings of the “Order” as you put it; I know enough. If you want to answer my questions, then fine – if you don’t, that is also fine. All I need to know is that what I am doing is righteous and what you are doing is evil. That is enough to keep me going. You can justify your actions however you want, but stealing the life savings of some little old lady just because she is not aware of your kind, is evil any way you look at it. You and your brethren are not rebelling or lashing out at the governments who you say is responsible for your predicament – you are stealing from innocent, naïve people who had nothing to do with your persecution. I am truly sorry that your live in those conditions and that life must be a living hell for you and your countryman. But the saddest thing is your misguided anger and lashing out against those who have nothing to do with this. Thomas Aka MAC |
In as much as you called scam evil, you also acknowledge the position of the scam artists. This is great civil in your part. Thomas we know there are innocent victims of the scam and the guilty victims of the scam. The problem is there is no way to sieve them and for that reason, it should be left to the sever to do that; GOD. My dear, please note that I am not justifying scam neither am I condoning the scam artist. What I am saying that you should do better by dedicating more time in sensitizing the politicians who subject most of this scam artist to this undue acts. Could you imagine how someone will use the money the government made out of cocoa for himself, even to the extent of giving 5 Million CFA as a token to a girl he had one night of flickering.. That is quite absurd and inhuman. In the case of the scam, many of the victims are greedy bastards who tend to take the money from the disadvantaged individual with the intention of even maiming the fellow. Thomas, we are trapped and only praying to God to deliver us from these whole orbs. Thomas, truth and lies have perspective and the rightful application depends from the perspective you sees it. If I may ask, what will a little old woman who had a life savings that will take care of her till she meets her grave got to do with millions of dollars; is that not greediness. Thomas, please let us be factual, do you have to pity such fellow? Yes, we may see it from this perspective that she was being human, pitying the state of the scam artist who claimed to be in difficulties. In most cases, the story goes that you have to invest the money. The old that is retired and has no strength for work, what brought her to the exercise? Thomas, time determines certain things. If I may say, no scam artist should be penalized if some one fails victim after the level of awareness that has been created about this fraudulent act. Misguided anger? And life a living hell for me and my countrymen; Thomas do you not see that sounds like you are very angry against a race that suppose to be your brethren. You even sounded racism to that. You do not have to be angry and the tone of that sentence does not show you are sorry about the situation. Thomas, I will appreciate it if you are always civil about this and do not show any sign of sarcasm about this in as much as you are not happy about this. You see, you have called the scam artists in the past a lot of names.. Brother asks yourself, what you have done to better their state instead of frustrating them into finding a more mischievous means of perpetrating the act. A sincere questions brother as you are now open; 1) Who footed the bills of your team of lawyer? 2) Are you certified of what you have achieved so far? 3) Do you think there is anything humans can do to stop the act? 4) Who is to be blamed? 5) For how long do you intend to do this? Thomas, scam is not silly, it is raging and factual. The problem is that even American government does scam but I respect that country that they allow even their journalist to condemn the government if they found out. A little diversion friend. Why does America slaughter their soldiers at the Arab world while such chances can equally be applied at Sudan, Rwanda etc. Please note that I personally is not happy to see those Americans die in those regions. I am begging to see that the American government is not genuine there. If they should fight in that region, let them fight for the liberation of the Kurds. That is a fight for human right. Thanks Thomas, I appreciate the time and attention you gave me. If eventually you make a book out of this, please do not fail to let me know. I will most appreciate it. Don’t you think if the book comes out unedited, it will give the best value? Your comments are a thing of interest also. I am very open to tore any other line of interest you may go with me. Who knows, we may stumble over another line of human stupidity and imperfectness. The journey of the imperfect human is a journey of madness, a lunatic movement that requires the Godly psyching to keep us stable. How I wish all humans will live christianly. We will have a paradise at home. None lives christianly including you Thomas. The zeal for men to dominate others is a scam to the highest order. Thomas, you may not understand me clearly earlier but after this Email, you will understand me better. Just me, George. |
In your emails, you have the distinct sense that what you are doing is evil and wrong, but yet you constantly attempt to justify it by blaming it on politicians, government, the elite, etc. In my example of the old lady who gets her life savings stolen by scam artists, you want to project some of the blame on her because you would question why she would want this money (greed)? You are correct in thinking that often there are two guilty parties in the scam; the scam artists and the dishonest people who fall for the Next-of-Kin Scams or others that involve illegalities. I don’t feel sorry for these people who lose their money to scammers, but this does not justify the actions of scam artists or downplay their guilt. But a good majority of scams and seeking honest and innocent people to take advantage of – professing that they won the lottery, or helping someone in need (like I was supposedly doing with Sliverline). It isn’t greed that makes one help someone in dire need – a thing that most scams try to capitalize on (hungry or starving in refugee camp, sick or in the hospital, etc.). Or how about the scammers that pose as Reverends or Priests and try to steal money while quoting verses of the Bible? Are you suggesting that the victims who fall for these are to be held responsible because of the goodness in their hearts? Let me get a few things straight with you concerning some things I have said in the course of this scambait; • I am not a bigot. The only thing I am prejudiced against is criminals. All of my derogatory comments referring to race were meant to piss you off. That is my job. As a scambaiter – it is our position to do whatever it takes to anger, confuse, confound, misdirect, fool, etc. the scammers that we deal with. This is not limited to insulting their race, heritage, manhood, family, etc. I commonly suggest to scammers to cut their throats as well as the throats of their children. This is said purely to anger the scammers – I don’t not wish for anyone to die. • When you said I acknowledged the part of the scam artists in my last email – this is not to say that I condone any part of it. I would not condemn some who steals from a market to feed their starving children. But is this the same with scam artists? Are they starving when somehow they can pay for internet time and cell phones? • The level of awareness about scams is not high enough but still many people have never heard of a 419 Scam or Nigerian Scam Letter, etc. Even when I tell people about my website, often I have to explain what the reasoning is behind it because people are not familiar with Internet Scams. To answer your questions put forth down below; 1. No one footed the bills for the lawyer because there wasn’t any. Yes, that was a bluff. I got the lawyers name from the Cote d’Ivoire Embassy Web page – there was a list of approved lawyers for American citizens. 2. If certified, you mean satisfied, then the answer is yes. I have warned a number of people who were talking to scammers unknowingly and possibly saved them money. I have also kept many scammers “on the hook” for a lot of time, thus wasting their time. With more involvement, we can perhaps make more of a difference – I’m just doing my part. 3. What can humans do to stop the act? I guess if we knew that, there would be no scams… 4. Who is to be blamed? I am a firmed believer that “Everyone is responsible for their own actions and situation” – there are some exceptions to this rule, but in the most part, I blame the individuals. I have talked to scammers who have told me that they had jobs but do the scams because it is thrilling or a “game” to them. Governments, politicians, and economic conditions may have some effect on it, but someone who is righteous will not turn to stealing from innocent people… 5. I plan on doing this as long as I do not get bored with it. I have been doing this since 2007 and I feel I have made a difference (although a small one…). My website has only been up for a couple months and is paid for through 2010, so I will at least do it to then. I must admit – I really do love it! It is amusing as much as it is doing a good deed. Sometimes when I read what I say to scammers or what they sent to me, I laugh out loud to myself. I will finishing responding to everything else in this email at a later time, I have to get back to work. Talk to you later, Thomas |
You know, I am very sensitive when it comes to human bevaviour, character in lewd to relativity. You see, I realized the ernestness in what you are doing and it pleases me, that is the reason I make to respond to your Emails. Thomas please note that I do not have a DISTINCT SENSE about the evilness of scam. I know it is bad, I am very much aware of the negativity. Thomas, listen to this; JUSTICE GEORGE AKAH could be a scam artist but the PERSON behind it may not be as you think. GEORGE was trying to defend a course of fraustration that subject some people to this act but HE was not defending in any way negativity of the exercise. Thomas, I know that this correspondence we are having will go in to your site. Note here that I also helping in scambaiting. If the fellow behind GEORGE is all that ardent to scam, I will not make out my time emailing you. If God does not intervain, even the righteous will fail.. How do you see that? My brother it is not easy. You said the scam artist do pay for the internet; please note that most of these people go hunger to have money for the internet because they hope to make a financial breakthrough. No one will give them and the government does not make effort to support these less previldged. Thomas, there are so many other facts I would have given you but Brother, we are in a retrogressing world of which only God can heal. Thomas, please note that I personally does not enjoy any bit of this even if GEORGE is faining defending a course the fellow behind GEORGE is not agreeing to. Thomas, when I say the fellow behind GEORGE, I mean the fellow acting George. Thomas, I want you to know that you are doing a good JOB. Thomas, could fraustration be the best way to stop SCAM. Do you know that as you enjoy scambaiting and the way it makes you laugh, so also does it make most them laugh when they see the type of thing you write. Have you heard about this; "The Mugu is high" Inteligent Mugu. This causes a lot of laugh. You see, the scam artist have gotten a lot of fraustration from the government that scambaiters seems to be wasting time. Brother how I wish the baiting could do much. Do you know that your site could be a factor to smooth a scam. The artist will even give the victim your site and make up story that will get the victim against what you wrote. See, the work is all about conviction. You see Thomas, conviction rested on the mind that chooses to get convinced. Thomas, we will get to have more correspondence. CHRIST START A BETTER CHANCE TO JUDGE HUMAN BECAUSE HE WENT THROUGH HUMAN. A scam artist stand a better chance to bait it. Regards, George. |
Hey George;
The good doctor won’t respond to my emails – lol. I wonder why? In your email, why do you try to differentiate between you and the character you pretend to be? How is the person who pretends to be Justice George Akah not as I think? Is that another way of justifying your actions? Is it just a job and you are just playing a part, therefore you are not evil, just the character you play is? We have a word for that in English – it’s called Schizophrenia (which means one person with more than one personality in their psyche). The “Intelligent Mugu” or “Mugu is High” – I take that to mean a scambaiter? Is that right? It’s been my experience that scammers don’t laugh too often when the find out they have been baited. I have been issued death threats, voodoo curses, and cursed out because of what I do. Only one other scammer besides you has ever talked civil after the fact, or wanted to converse after the jig was up. And the other guy I continued to make fun of and insult and we went back and forth until I showed him my website and he stopped returning my emails. He is the one who told me he is a wealthy “drinking juice company owner” and he just does the scamming for the thrill of it that it was a fun “game”. So here is a supposed wealthy man who steals from innocent people because it is fun. How pathetic is that? When you say “smooth a scam” – I don’t know what that means. Does it mean help a scammer? Thomas |
I do not know if you have read the book written by Henry Kiemba (Not Sure of the correct spelling of the last name) "The reign of terror" (The rise and fall of Idi Amin of Uganda. Idi Amin once said to a friend, "I do not know if Maliam Mungo (His hit man) derives joy in killing people". May be the Doctor derives joy having people ripped. He may be angry that the MUGU is intelligent. (A laugh) In the 7th Chapter of book of Romans of the bible; St. Paul said that when he wants to do good, he finds himself (The innerbeing/another power) doing another thing ; meaning that in him there is a conflicting action. Thomas, you may not believe this but it is factual. The flesh is the greatest enemy of the good spirit of man. Thomas, in more than three time you asked if I am trying to justify scam, I told you NO!!. Personally, I am not justifying scam, what I am saying is that I must live. You know, 80% of my people are existing, when they are supposed to live. I have tried all I could to live and in every human activity, one thing will have to suffer for one to live or for both to live. If you are making effort to concentrate on me, we will continue to swagger but when come to neutrality; we will have a long way to go. Yes, most of the actions of the actors and actresses in the movies could be branded "Schizophrenia" When one controls the persons in him, he acts normal but when the persons in him controls him, abnormality sets in. How I wish there is a way I could make my point clear to you for you to see thing from the perspective I am talking. You know, because we are greatly limited, many things causes us to loose a common view. Yes! When the Mugu is high, he is a scam baiter but when the Mugu is intelligent, he could be an ex victim or has the knowledge of the trade. The scam baiter and the later could alternate. Thomas, in the world of the scammers, are full of patient and they laugh a lot. You know as you use all sort of derogatory words against them so do they use treats to get the fact of the Mugu. When you did not yield to the treat, you are nothing but an intelligent Mugu, no strings attached. “drinking juice company owner”? He can say that to the blues. He could be wealthy and has the company he mentioned but he never does that for fun, he is a bloody idiot and the person that could be branded a real scammer. He never does that for fun. Thomas for sure, he is wayward and arrogant. Simply put, he is possed and goes to all sort of diabolical places to keep his useless life going. Thomas, you may not understand, people are very diabolical about these whole things. I pity them because they live in a higher bondage than he who wants to breakthrough. True, your site could be used to help a scam. Please do not doubt this for I know what I am saying. If the scam artist uses your site first, it will help him but if you uses it first, it will ruin his business. Do not ignore the power of a spoken word. It is simple and factual. Scamming is a matter of conviction, even a former victim does fall for the second and third time. Thomas, as you are, do not boast that you cannot be scammed. The truth is that, if you cannot be scammed in 3 years, in 6 years, you may be a victim. You do not know all the ways in which one could be scammed. Till I get your response. George. |
Hey George;
Sorry I haven’t gotten back to you – been kind of busy. I have good news – Dr. Steven finally responded to my emails!!! He was kind of mad, though. Here’s what he had to say… Mr Thomas, Silent is best answer given to a fool. Go ahead and insult your father by calling him all sorce of names if you really know whom your father is. Issue a power of attorney and send to me I am fake yes go ahead and send it to me even you send it or not that will not stop me of having the money idiot. Dr Steven Enaroh. He still wants to pretend that this whole thing is real and wants me to send him a Power of Attorney? What an idiot! Talk to you later, Thomas |
Back to the idiot doctor…
Mr Thomas, Silent is best answer given to a fool. Go ahead and insult your father by calling him all sorce of names if you really know whom your father is. Issue a power of attorney and send to me I am fake yes go ahead and send it to me even you send it or not that will not stop me of having the money idiot. Dr Steven Enaroh. |
You are such a moron. Lying just comes natural to you, doesn’t it? That is your whole way of life – lying and stealing from innocent people. The funniest part about this is that you tried to revive this scam from Sliverline Marvin, who I was sick of scambaiting, so I told her to come up with the money for the fees by sucking dick in the refugee camp. That was the last I heard from “her”, until you, the freaking idiot that you are, invented this scam that I was the heir to Silverline’s fortune. You are by far the dumbest scammer I have ever dealt with.
Yes, your buddy George Akah and I have been talking (quite civilly, I might add…), and he admits it was a scam and has been explaining his reasoning behind scamming people. Of course he blames the government and politicians, but at least he was man enough to admit what he was doing, and he does admit that it is wrong but justifies it by saying he must live and the politicians are ultimately behind the scam. Here’s something that you will really like – when I sent him the link to my website uncovering that I was just playing with him, he congratulated me on a job well done AND asked me not to tell you – to continue baiting you. I was surprised he wasn’t mad, but didn’t understand why he would want me to continue leading you on. Do you have an answer to this? I can send you the emails if you don’t believe me or you can read them on my website when I get them all posted (should be tonight or tomorrow). Here’s one of his emails… Thomy, I must commend you. Do me a favour, and do not let Steven know about what you did, just wait till he takes side as you wrote. One thing is for sure, uncertainty is course in living and as far as we are beings of great limitation, a lot of things still elude us. Thomas, I will sincerely wish you make a novel out of this and for that reason, I will not stop till we have a better novel produced. I am with you and will like to make a better scene out of this. Your team of lawyers? who is footing the bil, very interesting also. I love what seems like racism in your Email, the saintly whites and the devilish blacks and caucautians. For the filing on the internet, I tend to love you Thomas. How I wish we could me to get certain things harnessed. Regards, George Why would your buddy George want me to continue baiting you without telling you? So you can go ahead and pretend that the money or inheritance is real, but we both know it’s not. You are just a pathetic, common, little grubby thief and that’s all you will ever be because you are too stupid and lazy to get a real job. I pity you… Because I pity you, I am going to give you some hints on your scam; • Death Certificates have to have a Cause of Death on it – yours didn’t, you stupid moron. • Don’t try to revive dead scambaits – you’ll never steal money that way. • Learn more about the Probate process – I know you are counting on your victim being dumber than you, but I don’t think that will happen. • The best hint I could give you? Cut your own throat – the world would be a better place without you… Thomas Let me know if you want me to forward George’s emails to you – nothing like being stabbed in the back by one of your buddies… |
You corward,
A fool at 40 is fool forever. You are not upto my category if you did not call your father that names it will not be better for you. I am not you that spend your days in internet, I made out my time to work and work things out with my time not you who are always in internet looking for someone to fruad. A bloodly liar come and take your share let me see, a child who remove his mouth from the breast of her mother who will he blame that remove his mouth from it? Is it because you are living in united stated of american that make you proud? Look that country if you invite me free I am not coming I made my time to work idiot. An idiot who can not stay with woman becasue of your madness and duvious charaters that make what that come to you pass you over you will remain poor forever as you claim to be fast man. Never you write to me again or I will send my son to come over there and deal with you thief thomas. You are not ashmed of yourself, you have proof what you are try to change that your name and be useful to your parents and your society. |
Am I getting philosophy from a low-life internet scammer? Wow, what is the world coming to? It’s funny how you still want to pretend that you are real – even after I have shown you that even your friend George admitted that you and him were frauds. As I said before, lying just comes natural to you, doesn’t it? Yes, I use a fake name and fake identity when I am baiting idiots like you to prevent you from taking advantage of innocent people. That doesn’t make me a liar; it makes me a hero. Someone who devotes their own time selflessly to help others is a hero. But you wouldn’t know anything about that because you just want to take from others which makes you a parasite.
You never said if you wanted to see the rest of George’s letters to me where he admitted that he was a thief and asked me to keep baiting you? Aren’t you interested? And now you want to send your son over “to deal with me”? Isn’t it true that all West Africans have sex with goats? Is your son a half-goat? What is he going to do; mow my lawn? I know you are upset that you have been fooled this whole time – that must make you mad. You thought that you were going to steal money from me, and now it’s just time wasted. Maybe if you were smarter, this wouldn’t have happened. My friends and I laughed and laughed at your stupidity. Do you wonder why the whole world hates Africans? You shouldn’t… Say hello to your half-goat child… Thomas |
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