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Hey, Hey Paulino

This moron contacts me from and right away I know he is West African. I hate when these fools aren't willing to put in the time it takes to fall in love, after which, they can start begging for money. This idiot tells me he loves me and wants "nothing else on this earth except me" after talking to me three times. He also sends me three pictures in Yahoo Chat that are completely different from his profile picture in Dating 72. My emails are in blue, his/hers are in black, my comments in red. Happy reading!

oudoette: Hello babe
oudoette: How are u doing?
debbiedawson0404: who are you?
oudoette: I am paulino from adatinghest
debbiedawson0404: Paulino? Isnt that a girls name?
oudoette: No
oudoette: I am a man
debbiedawson0404: Hi Abby;
oudoette: Why do u ask?
oudoette: Where are u chatting from?
debbiedawson0404: Sorry - meant for someone else - I am talking to my friend Abby too
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: So where are u chatting from babe?
debbiedawson0404: I am at home
oudoette: Which state, country?
debbiedawson0404: don't call me babe - you dont even know me
oudoette: Ok I'm sorry for that
oudoette: But I will like to call u that in future time
debbiedawson0404: So you think Paulino is a man's name?
oudoette: What do u mean is my name
debbiedawson0404: I am saying it sounds like a woman's name...
debbiedawson0404: where are you from?
oudoette: Ok is not now tell me what I was asking u
oudoette: I am from spain but tell me about yourself please
debbiedawson0404: You are in Spain now?
oudoette: Why can't u tell me where u come from?
debbiedawson0404: I am from Akron, Ohio
oudoette: Spain is my nationality
debbiedawson0404: ok, where do you presently live...
oudoette: I live in texas
oudoette: Houston tell me where u are too
debbiedawson0404: cool, how's the weather there?
debbiedawson0404: omg, I just said Akron, Ohio...
oudoette: I gonna sleep soon
oudoette: Weather is ok
debbiedawson0404: what time is it there?
oudoette: Your real name tell me so more !about ur self
debbiedawson0404: my name is Debbie Dawson
oudoette: Ok
debbiedawson0404: what time is it in Texas - are you one or two hours behind us?
oudoette: Are u sure u are in america?
debbiedawson0404: What kind of question is that? Of course I am in America.
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: U are very lovely
debbiedawson0404: what kind of BS was that question you asked last night
oudoette: What do u mean?
oudoette: I am into importation?
debbiedawson0404: you asked if I really live in the US
debbiedawson0404: you are into what?
oudoette: Yes because some people pretend to be a usa
oudoette: Do u understand me?
debbiedawson0404: well, I am really in Ohio
oudoette: Ok I love that
oudoette: I will love to go out with u one day
debbiedawson0404: you dont even know me
oudoette: But we have to get to know each other
oudoette: Can u tell me about u abide?
debbiedawson0404: what does that mean?
debbiedawson0404: your English is not very good
oudoette: Can u Tell me about ur education career?
debbiedawson0404: I am an Accountant
debbiedawson0404: what do you do?
oudoette: Oh that fine
oudoette: I am into business
debbiedawson0404: lol
debbiedawson0404: doing what?
oudoette: Yes
oudoette: I import oil from kuwait and africa
debbiedawson0404: into America?

He shows that he is logged in but he doesn’t answer. He is chatting with his phone and there are some connection issues (in Texas). He eventually logs out.

oudoette: Hello
oudoette: Are u still angry with me?
debbiedawson0404: who said I was angry? Are you confused?
oudoette: I am confuse babe why are u silent?
debbiedawson0404: I just got home
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: Where ve u been?
debbiedawson0404: out shopping
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: That fine
debbiedawson0404: why did ask if I was still angry? when was I angry? Are you confusing me with someone else?
oudoette: I wonder why u don't chat me since two days now
debbiedawson0404: it is the weekend - I am doing things, not sitting in front of a computer most of the time
oudoette: Ok that fine
debbiedawson0404: and anyways, you are the one who left in the middle of a conversation last time
oudoette: Yes
oudoette: I was busy and prepare for my trip
debbiedawson0404: so you just leave without saying a word - that was rude
oudoette: I am sorry for that in confidence
debbiedawson0404: whatever, no big deal
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: I hope u are ok with me now?
debbiedawson0404: yeah, whatever
oudoette: Babe I will like to see ur pic?
debbiedawson0404: I asked you to not call me babe - you don't even know me
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: Is angel ok with u?
debbiedawson0404: my name is Debbie
oudoette: Debbie
oudoette: Can I have some of ur pic Debbie?
debbiedawson0404: yes, that is my name and what I prefer to be called
oudoette: Ok
debbiedawson0404: how do you share photos on here?
oudoette: You send me ur photo from there
debbiedawson0404: no shit, how do you do it on Yahoo Messenger
oudoette: Go to option and select send file, u gonna see picture, video and others then select picture
oudoette: Send me something different from this
debbiedawson0404: i sent you three
debbiedawson0404: why did you decline the three files I sent
oudoette: I did not do that please resent
oudoette: Babe do u have whatsap?
debbiedawson0404: I said don't call me babe - how many times do I have to say this???
oudoette: Sorry
debbiedawson0404: I don’t even know what whatsap is
oudoette: Debbie am sorry
debbiedawson0404: just don’t do it again
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: Debbie u have whatsap?
debbiedawson0404: I don't even know what that is
oudoette: Is simple way of chatting
debbiedawson0404: what's wrong with this?
oudoette: There is simple than here. And make life simple than this
oudoette: What are u gonna do now?
debbiedawson0404: no i don't have it
debbiedawson0404: i am going to lunch soon
oudoette: Ok
debbiedawson0404: send me a picture
oudoette: Accept me pic
debbiedawson0404: send it
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: How many kid u have?
debbiedawson0404: none
debbiedawson0404: send me a pic
oudoette: Ok I love that
oudoette: Are u on mobile
debbiedawson0404: no, a computer
oudoette: I send u but I am on mobile
oudoette: Sign in to ur mobile
debbiedawson0404: send it to my email them --
oudoette: Are u gonna send me some sexy pic?
debbiedawson0404: no
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: Let me see it that can be possible
debbiedawson0404: well, when you figure it out, then you can contact me again - I gotta go
oudoette: I am trying to do that
oudoette: Babe is not easy with my phone
debbiedawson0404: omg, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me babe??? This is the fourth time - are you an idiot?
oudoette: Sorry
oudoette: Don't get angry angel
debbiedawson0404: omg - my name is Debbie - not babe, not angel - what did I tell you yesterday???
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: But u have to have patient we gonna understand each other soon
debbiedawson0404: it seems you don’t understand plain and simple English
oudoette: I understand ok
oudoette: I have to take care when I am chatting with u ok
debbiedawson0404: so when I ask you not to call me babe and you keep doing it, you understand what you are doing?
oudoette: Sorry Debbie
oudoette: Is ok
debbiedawson0404: well, I am still waiting for that picture - I want to see what you look like
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: I will send u whenever I use my laptop
oudoette: I gonna send ok
debbiedawson0404: ok, I will be waiting patiently
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: That why I like u Debbie
debbiedawson0404: you don't even know me - every time we start to talk you log off without saying a word
oudoette: I am always busy
oudoette: I am sorry Debbie
oudoette: But I may like to ask u something deeply
debbiedawson0404: what?
oudoette: I want to know if u really don't have a kid and your formal love how come u breakup then?
debbiedawson0404: try it again in proper English so I can understand it
debbiedawson0404: what does formal love mean?
debbiedawson0404: that makes no sense
oudoette: I want to know about ur boyfriend I mean the person u love before
debbiedawson0404: that's none of your business and no I don't have any kids - I already told you that
oudoette: Yes
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: But u can ask me anything
debbiedawson0404: last time I ask you something you didn't answer and logged off...
oudoette: Please sorry Debbie
oudoette: What was the question
debbiedawson0404: you said that you import oil and I asked you where to? Into the USA?
oudoette: I import to usa?
debbiedawson0404: yes, that is what I asked...
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: I import down to usa
debbiedawson0404: so you work for an oil company like Exxon or Citgo?
oudoette: Chevron
debbiedawson0404: oh, ok
oudoette: Yea
debbiedawson0404: and you own a home in Texas
oudoette: Yea my home is here
oudoette: And u?
debbiedawson0404: yes, I own a home in Akron
oudoette: Wow that excellent
debbiedawson0404: are you at work now?
oudoette: I was not fine. So I. Call office
oudoette: I am at home
debbiedawson0404: well, if you are at home, then get on your laptop and send me a pic
oudoette: Debbie I kept my laptop in my office because I wanted to travel to kuwait today
debbiedawson0404: umm, okay - you are going to Kuwait?
oudoette: I wanted to go there but I just change my mine
debbiedawson0404: um, ok
debbiedawson0404: do you mean for work you were going to go there?
oudoette: I import oil and I told u this before
oudoette: I want to go and import oil ok
debbiedawson0404: yes, I know I just don’t understand why you would have to go there to do this...nevermind, not important
oudoette: Please Debbie I have to go and make my importation safely
debbiedawson0404: whatever, I was just curious
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: Tell where u are working?
debbiedawson0404: I work for White Haven Computer Services
oudoette: Alright
oudoette: Do u like a Spanish man?
debbiedawson0404: not usually
oudoette: Why?
debbiedawson0404: i usually like Aryan-type men, not Latins
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: Mean u don't really like me yet?
debbiedawson0404: I don't even know what you look like...
oudoette: Wow but I am fine and okay
debbiedawson0404: whatever that means...
oudoette: Are on mobile now?
oudoette: Mean?
debbiedawson0404: no, I am in my office at work
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: Debbie I wanna leave chat ok
debbiedawson0404: that's fine, you aren't talking anyways - goodbye
oudoette: I gonna chat with u before next 3 hour ok
debbiedawson0404: I am leaving work at 5:00pm and I am going to the club after work
oudoette: I will check on u ok
debbiedawson0404: I am saying that I won’t be online tonight at all...
oudoette: Ok have a wonderful night, enjoy ur self
debbiedawson0404: ok, u2 bye
oudoette: Yea

Day three...

oudoette: I just open a facebook because of u
oudoette: My ID is Paulino cariolor
oudoette: Do that please
debbiedawson0404: I am not on facebook
debbiedawson0404: and I am still waiting for the pictures
oudoette: Why u don't have facebook?
debbiedawson0404: because I am not a teenager and I don’t spend that much time online
oudoette: Ok
debbiedawson0404: so where are the pictures?
oudoette: I gonna send u
oudoette: I always busy
debbiedawson0404: well, it takes about 2 minutes to do - I sent you mine and it took 30 seconds
oudoette: I gonna do that ok
debbiedawson0404: are you at work?
oudoette: I gonna try with u
debbiedawson0404: huh? How hard is it to send a couple of pictures?
oudoette: I will
debbiedawson0404: when?
oudoette: hello
debbiedawson0404: ?
debbiedawson0404: I asked when?
oudoette: i gonna send it ok
debbiedawson0404: I asked when? Tell me when
oudoette: in the next one hr
debbiedawson0404: ok
debbiedawson0404: send me at least two, so I can really see what you look like
oudoette: hhhahha
oudoette: i will send more than that
debbiedawson0404: what is funny?
oudoette: can you see me now?
debbiedawson0404: yes, I thought you said you were Spanish?

The man in the photo looks Russian/Slavic and it is definitely not the same picture as the one in his dating profile.

oudoette: my mom from from uk and dad spanish
debbiedawson0404: do you speak Spanish?
debbiedawson0404: are you there?
oudoette: I hope u have the pic now?
debbiedawson0404: yes, I received the pics and I asked if you speak Spanish
oudoette: Not any more I was 15 years when I came to usa
debbiedawson0404: and how old are you now?
oudoette: I am 41
debbiedawson0404: so if you don’t look Spanish or speak Spanish, why do you tell people you are Spanish?
oudoette: Debbie I can't deny my nationality
debbiedawson0404: well, it is kind of deceptive. No big deal, I guess. At least you don't look like Spaniard
oudoette: Hahha people do say that
debbiedawson0404: yeah, that picture is definitely Slavic/East European
oudoette: Hahhah
oudoette: Is God gift
debbiedawson0404: meaning what?
oudoette: Is God that create me as u see it
oudoette: So where are u now?
debbiedawson0404: I am at work
oudoette: Ok
debbiedawson0404: are you at work
oudoette: I am prepare to travel tomorrow
oudoette: I told u this before
debbiedawson0404: no, you said yesterday that you were going to leave but decided not to
oudoette: Yes
debbiedawson0404: remember, you said you wanted to travel but changed your mind
oudoette: I told I change my mine and couldn't care to ask me when I wanna go then
debbiedawson0404: huh?
oudoette: I remember and expecting u to ask when I am intend to travel
debbiedawson0404: why would I care when you have to leave on business?
oudoette: Hahhahaha
oudoette: But when I come back u gonna come there and spend some days with me
debbiedawson0404: where do you think I am going?
oudoette: My house where u gonna have anything you want, sex, caring, romance and many more
debbiedawson0404: you think I am going to Texas? wrong...
oudoette: Why?
oudoette: U want me to come
debbiedawson0404: I was there twice last year, and did not like it
oudoette: When there is love everything go smoothly
debbiedawson0404: what are you talking about? Where is there love?
oudoette: We are gonna create that love
debbiedawson0404: whatever, I don’t even know you that well and I am not going to Texas
oudoette: Ok do u want me to come there?
debbiedawson0404: you can, if you want
oudoette: U are not specific
oudoette: Why?
debbiedawson0404: it is up to you, not me. You can come here and we'll go out to dinner and see if we are compatible and if there is chemistry
oudoette: Ok that fine
oudoette: I hope u gonna share everything with in common?
debbiedawson0404: meaning what?
oudoette: I mean have some fun together
debbiedawson0404: I have no idea what you are talking about - I said we could go out to dinner to see if we were compatible...
oudoette: Ok
debbiedawson0404: there is a Sheridan hotel in Cuyahoga Falls which is close to where I live
debbiedawson0404: how long are you going to out of the country?
debbiedawson0404: ?
debbiedawson0404: are you there or did you leave without saying a word again
oudoette: I am with u
oudoette: I was using to toilet
debbiedawson0404: ok, so answer the questions
oudoette: I think I will spend a month
debbiedawson0404: you are going to Kuwait for a month?
oudoette: yea but I will travel to german why I am the trip
oudoette: On the trip
oudoette: Before I comeback everythong will be fine between us
debbiedawson0404: well, I will tell you this -- I get asked out a lot by men here, so I can't promise you anything
oudoette: We have to come together and love each other so that when I am coming u would run direct to me with a very good smile kiss
debbiedawson0404: do you understand what I am saying to you?
oudoette: Yes but I also demand ur understanding
debbiedawson0404: about what?
oudoette: About How I feel
debbiedawson0404: I have no idea what you are talking about.
oudoette: Hahhaha
oudoette: What I mean is that I like u and I wanna love u
debbiedawson0404: well, it's nice to get to know one another first and actually meet first, dont you think?
oudoette: Yea but in some aspect we need to develop that love before we meet each other so that we can easy learn from mistake we make

Digest this – his reasoning is that it is better to fall in love over the internet first before two people meet, so that when they do meet, they can correct their mistakes? Scammer Logic at its finest.

debbiedawson0404: huh? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
oudoette: Example u ask me don't call me babe, now I am trying learn that u don't like any love name
debbiedawson0404: no, I don't like any pet names from people who don't even know me
oudoette: When I meet u, it was BABE wanted to cause problem and u caution me and I am learning from my mistake ok
debbiedawson0404: you can never get to know someone very well over the internet
oudoette: Yea but we have to develop that love within our mine
debbiedawson0404: well, here some advice for you and this applies to all women everywhere --- you never call a woman BABE if you don't really know them - that is common sense
oudoette: Ok
debbiedawson0404: it sounds like you want to live in a fantasy world - developing "Love in your mind" before you really know someone --- well, I live in the real word
oudoette: Hahhhah
debbiedawson0404: is that funny?
oudoette: I need u than any other thing on earth
debbiedawson0404: excuse me???
oudoette: No
debbiedawson0404: what the hell do you mean by that???
oudoette: What I mean I like you so much I need to love u for real
debbiedawson0404: you are a freak
oudoette: What?
debbiedawson0404: we have only talked 3 times and you say this bullshit? You are a fucking psychotic idiot - go away and don't contact me again
oudoette: Wow I am sorry
oudoette: Is a pressure in me
debbiedawson0404: don't contact me again, you stupid psycho
oudoette: No I am sorry Debbie
oudoette: I will not say that ok
debbiedawson0404: fuck off
debbiedawson0404: don't contact me any more asshole
oudoette: I am sorry
oudoette: Why are u angry with me?
debbiedawson0404: you are an idiot, that's what you are
oudoette: I am not
oudoette: Debbie I am crying
oudoette: hello

I actually left him hanging here because I was busy at home. Did you like that "I am crying..." remark? Yes, he cries over someone he has talked to three times. Don't you love manly men?

oudoette: Debbie
oudoette: Talk to me
debbiedawson0404: fuck off, idiot - go away
oudoette: No
oudoette: I am sorry if I hot u
debbiedawson0404: you didn't hurt me you stupid fool, I just realized what an idiot you are and I don’t wish to speak with you anymore
oudoette: Stop is ok don't insult me
oudoette: Again
oudoette: I am sorry
debbiedawson0404: fuck you idiot
oudoette: I am not idiot
debbiedawson0404: just go away fool
oudoette: I am a fool
oudoette: I agree that with u
oudoette: But don't go way ok
debbiedawson0404: you tell some woman from the internet that you have only spoken to three times that you love her and need her more than anything on earth? That makes you a stupid idiot
debbiedawson0404: I don't talk to idiots
oudoette: Debbie I never say that to anybody on earth only u
oudoette: But I am sorry if that hurt u
debbiedawson0404: i don't care you idiot
debbiedawson0404: how stupid are you?
debbiedawson0404: do you understand English, you stupid fucking fool
oudoette: I am sorry
oudoette: We talk more than three time
debbiedawson0404: you are so stupid
oudoette: You remember?
debbiedawson0404: fuck off asshole
oudoette: no
debbiedawson0404: cocksucking faggit
oudoette: I give u apology so many time
oudoette: I am sorry
debbiedawson0404: cocksucking faggit
oudoette: No
debbiedawson0404: I dont talk to stupid idiots, so go away fool
oudoette: I am not stupid
oudoette: Talk to me
debbiedawson0404: fuck you stupid
oudoette: I am sorry Debbie
debbiedawson0404: fuck off stupid fool
oudoette: I am not
debbiedawson0404: idiot
oudoette: If u call me fool, I foolish because of u! If u call me idiot, I am idiotic because of u, so why are u still call me name that I have because of you?
debbiedawson0404: lol - you want to blame me because you are a stupid idiot? That's funny. You are so stupid
oudoette: Yea I am a stupid for u
debbiedawson0404: whatever fool - I don’t talk to stupid idiots - go fuck yourself
oudoette: I u call me that mean u was chatting with idiot before so what are you now?
debbiedawson0404: nice English fuckhead, that almost made sense
oudoette: Ok
oudoette: U pushing me to something me to else
debbiedawson0404: I don’t care fuckhead - what are you going to do? I already know you are a psychotic idiot
oudoette: Don't say that babe

Should I attack for calling me babe again? I don't think he will even notice. He is finally getting fed up with me and probably realizes it is over and he has no chance of getting money from me. I love when these fools call me a scammer – yes, I am a scammer – I wait until people on the internet tell me they love me, then I insult them and call them every name in the book so I can later beg them for money??? More scammer logic at its finest.

debbiedawson0404: fuck you faggit
oudoette: U act as a kid
debbiedawson0404: good, go away and go bother someone else then
oudoette: Why are u behaving like a kid?
debbiedawson0404: go fuck yourself
oudoette: I am suspecting u now
oudoette: I swear I am suspecting u right now
debbiedawson0404: lol - I dont care what you are doing you stupid fool
oudoette: Hahahhhahhahahahh
debbiedawson0404: fuck you idiot
oudoette: Fuck, fuck fuck, as no meaning
oudoette: Say something else
debbiedawson0404: fuck you idiot
oudoette: Hahaahah my wife to be
debbiedawson0404: fuck you idiot
oudoette: My wife to be how are u?
debbiedawson0404: fuck you idiot
oudoette: My wife what is the Matter
debbiedawson0404: fuck you idiot
oudoette: Is enough
debbiedawson0404: fuck you idiot
debbiedawson0404: until you go away and stop contacting me, I will continue to call you names and insult you, because I DO NOT WISH TO TALK TO YOU ANYMORE - DO YOU UNDERSTAND FOOL?
oudoette: Do u know what u are?
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: I know u are a bastard that is why u kept insulting me
debbiedawson0404: lol
oudoette: Yes
oudoette: U are
oudoette: U have no father
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: U mom was a prostitute
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: That why u like clubbing
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: Answer me
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: Was ur mom a prostitute?
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: Like mother like daughter
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: U are a scammer I knew u
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: Answer me now
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: Why are u a prostitute with this ur beautiful face
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: Coward
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: U speak rubbish
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: I reject u
oudoette: Bye
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: I send u your pussy
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: U fuck u mama
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: i am sorry i will not say that again to u
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: debbie isn't enough?
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: u are fake
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: yea its
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: How are u doing?
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?
oudoette: Hello
debbiedawson0404: I'll bet your mother was a stupid whore - isnt that right?

The last hello was two days ago and I don't see him online any more. My main purpose in this scambait was to punish this idiot for saying I love you too quickly. I know, he technically did not say "I love you" but it was close enough. This will make him think twice about jumping the gun next time.

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